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Memphis and wallstreet

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  • Memphis and wallstreet

    did u have a chance to look at HLSH
    its up 5.76 now
    was 5.03 yesterday morning.
    liek i said i bought some at .08 and more at .46 a share
    and also thanks wallstreet for that pink sheet also nice spot ive just started to look but i see a couple more on there that i think might be pretty good
    but this hlst stock i got bout mid to late last year and have made a lot on this stock.
    i new it was going to go back up from when scrushy got in his shit, and it was so low that if i lost what i put in it well it would have been a learning experience.
    but its going up right now i do think it will top out sometime and hang around that price wherever that is i assume maybe 9 dollars a share but it will stay near there unless some bad news comes from scrushy and they find more crap and mroe filings and all that crap.
    which i wouldnt mind it after a couple moinths dropping back down real low so i can buy at a real low price again.
    i know they wont go under though . im to close to that company only thing woudl happen would sell out but never go under not anytime in seeable future.

    good luck also
    hell way i been doing sports i stand better chance doing stocks for now until i get on a roll again.
    in a confidence low on games it seems right now im doubting myslef lol and thats not good from experience.

    good luck to you all
    THICK 1

  • #2

    This HLSH is hardly a Pink Sheets stock, it is Health South! The reason you got that chance at those levels is they were teetering on the verge of the big BK..and they are still not out of the woods. If they were to come compliant and be relisted on the NYSE you could be talking a big bang.

    I would do the following- If you want to sell, sell your BASIS in the stock, so if you invested say 2,000 in the stock, sell that part and let the winnings run. I think you have too much of a gain to guard it really tight. I also would not add to the position, your basis is low enough.

    So when you sell, sell the ammt of your cost, let the rest go and keep an eye on it for any really hard horrible news.

    Congrats, this hit will be one you will NEVER have again, I meant that too.. usually when a stock that was where it was gets to where you bought it, they are going under. In this case they didnt and you have a huge winner...a big time winner.

    Way to go and BOL on what you do in the future. This points out the risk reward of PK stocks (that arent foreign stocks..PK foreign stocks arent the same as PK US stocks) that when you hit it right, you can hit a HUGE home run, but for every 1 of these home runs, there are 100 that go under.

    Nice job!


    • #3
      THICK 1:

      Thanks for the info and your follow-up on it , but I am going to just watch this one because I didnt get in on the ground floor as you and after wallstreets follow-up on it I have my doubts as to taking a plunge at this moment .



      :cool: :cool: :cool:
      " The Wind Does Not Wait For The Tree To Bend "

