You should let us know what books stiffed you if thay are not one of your locals. Plenty of my friends and myself have never had a problem collecting big numbers from such places as Pinnacle, Olympic, and Blue Grass Sports.
Wiz ive only been with the board for over a month...U the man, maybe we can work something out with everyone here. We gotta have the hotchicks!!! What book stiffed u, i only use **** certified books and have never had a problem. Let us know if there is anything we can do...
....CUZ I'M RICK JAMES BBYYAATTTCCCHHH!!! Show Charlie Murphy ya titties!!
Good luck to you Wiz, hate to see you go. I feel for you, I don't have any locals that will take action from me anymore, but unlike you, I can use offshore books.
Let me know if there is ever anything I can do for you.
Best of luck Wiz, in whatever direction you take. Your insight
in line movement has been amazing. You will certainly be missed
in this forum..PLease keep us posted on what's going with ya
if you don't mind.
best of luck to you. i dont know to say because i play for fun and the added rush when you win . this board will definitely miss your insight on all games and your picks. good luck ,you will be missed, the mudman!!