(a brief moment of silence for the 20 children and 6 adults that were gunned down in Newtown, Connecticut, may god rest the souls)

(1rst Halfs)
Indy +7 (GOY)
Minny +.5
Washington +3
Tampa +3
Baltimore +1.5
3 team 1rst half parlay
Indy, wash, Tampa
I'll be back with more for 2nd halfs, also I'm taking both of tech fan"s teasers as back up!!!!!!!!!!! Good luck today MEN and enjoy your family's and the ones you love on this great Sunday morning!!!!!!!!!

(1rst Halfs)
Indy +7 (GOY)
Minny +.5
Washington +3
Tampa +3
Baltimore +1.5
3 team 1rst half parlay
Indy, wash, Tampa
I'll be back with more for 2nd halfs, also I'm taking both of tech fan"s teasers as back up!!!!!!!!!!! Good luck today MEN and enjoy your family's and the ones you love on this great Sunday morning!!!!!!!!!