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College Officals

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  • College Officals

    Has anybody else noticed that their has been an awful lot of terrible calls by the officials in these bowl games. I for one am lowering the amount of money I gamble on these games because nothing erks me more than having an official cost me money! If i lose fine then, but to have these guys get paid to make bad calls really pisses me off. I don't believe replay is the answer. I think these guys should be trained and re-trained to call better games. GL2U tonight. I'm taking Ohio State and the under


  • #2
    Good point....refs can make 1 bad call and change the score.


    • #3
      The announcers are even starting to get on the officials in the Tenn/Clemson game. I hope somebody starts reviewing these guys!!


      • #4
        funny you should bring this subject up. i was also pondering over this notion. it seems like the refs are a bit fishy to me. well its obvious that refs favor one team over another. thats a gimme. for example, the refs are reffing teams in another division. they do this because they don't want favoritism torward their own division. but by demonstrating to do something like this, the league must know favoritism exists. so to make this message short, its not always the better teams that wins, its who the refs want to win. hey its gambling, when there's money involved, there's also corruption.

