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officals in aub/wis game........

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  • officals in aub/wis game........

    are the worst crew i've seen all year--how the f*ck can you miss a fumble call like that.

  • #2
    You must have Wisconsin as I do!!
    Yeah they stink!! Its amazing how all the officials missed that.

    Hang in there maybe Wisco will get a call in their favor.


    • #3
      They should have for instant replay for bowl games
      We will show that we really didnt need A-Rod


      • #4
        To miss two fumbles on consecutive downs inside the Wisconsin 5 yard line is inexcuseable. Auburn should count their lucky stars they don't have real officials in the ACC.


        • #5
          Yeah, they sucked all right. Had Wisky in a nice teaser that would have capped it off. How do you capped the REF factor? :angryfire


          • #6

            auburn-wisc. officials same as florida-florida state.....not good

            but i had wisc and i never blame officials, auburn made a big play on 3rd and long deep in their own territory so they deserve to win i guess



            • #7
              ya shorty i never blame the refs either-i'm just pissed i lost---buy that is intresting info that the same crew is doing orange bowl.

              god luck


              • #8
                I agree they are one the worst crews I have seen, but Wisc really messed this up by themselves. Why did they not go to the short passing game with Auburn blitzing all game long? Why did Barry call a timeout with 8 seconds left, but did not call a time out with 48 seconds left? Were they going to score twice with 8 seconds left? Give me a break.
                You can't drink all day if you don't start in the morning


                • #9
                  Recalling that Florida - Florida State debacle, these jackass refs seem to have missed the class on fumbles in "Refereeing 101". All their screwups are basically the same - ruling someone down or the play dead before its actually over. The Florida game was absurd - if I've ever seen officials "on the take", that was it. After today, I wonder if these clowns will ever work again. You could have grabbed some fans out of the stands and they wouldn't have missed those obvious fumbles! Question is - how was this crew selected for a BOWL game??


                  • #10
                    I'm always worried about college refs when I'm on a game. For some reason the rules change for the every game. One game Unsportslike Conduct is a First down the next it isn't. They don't know when a clock should be stopped after a penalty. You name they scare the hell out of me. I cringe whenever a player celebrates a little that they'll throw the flag.

