Thanks BW, Kaptain. BW, I have the NFL Fantasy League's set up buddy. I was in there at 6:00 PM when it opened up the day of registration to secure late drafts dates. I'll be posting them soon. I have a list i'll be posting of guys who have unclaimed cash too from the pools that recently ended in the last few months. Some never sent their mailing info and many never replied to emails. I lost most email addys a couple months ago when my computer crashed but i gained many back from current pools running. I'll just put it all on the list instead of chasing each one down. No, You are not on the list BW!
I like this Arena game tonight so i'm adding it in. Nick Hill was cut by the Packers and he was signed by Tampa Bay. He was a great Arena ball QB and he should be a big boost for this team. He played for the 1st time last week and he should feel much more comfortable tonight. Let's hope anyway!