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how much do services make

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  • how much do services make

    I was just wondering, how much do you think services make, like some of the bigger ones. I figured Feist probably makes the most due to his publiciity on tv and his magazine. Phil Steele and Wayne Root are probably up there as well. But what do you think they mane a year?

  • #2
    That is an interesting question! I am sure they all donate 10% to charity!

    Seriously, it would be nice to see the figures spent on phone lines, office space, ads, publishing, assistants, etc. for someone like Phil Steele.
    NSA's NBA Game Of The Year was on Dallas -4.5 on March 31. Orlando won 108-99. It was a cloudy day for Sonny LaFouchi.


    • #3
      found this on feist

      posted by a member on another forum

      I went through Feist sales training during a boring moment of my life in 94. Oh the things I saw and learned in about 3 weeks. First was the main sales guy, or at least my boss. This guy told me "no matter how much money you make, you will always be broke"...seems his two new Cadillacs were kicking his ass so this was the typical sales type of people, spending it as fast as they could make it. Another guy, his boss, came out with slick hair, telling stories of hanging out in Miami with Feist. He claimed every restaurant Feist went to he would slip the maitre'd a Benjamin and get a table right away. He also said that he felt "naked" if he didn't have at least 3 grand in his pocket. If we wanted to be good, "the best", we had to aspire for their lifestyle, we had to learn from them, we had to have that fire in our blood. These guys were hideous. The main guy even said, "if you are here for picks, its time to go. I will give you a code that will give you picks forever, you are not here for the picks, you are here to get the money." Nice touch eh?

      We never even saw the research area, the place is huge. There are many buildings and we were just in the sales office. I did see Feist one day, it was like an event all the sales guys stopped to listen to his every word. Chipper Chirimbes was who I was selling for, he came in a few times. Larry Ness walked in once. Those were the three guys we were "selling" for in our sales room, but really they were three rooms with knocked out walls. If you wanted to see anyone's picks, they were written on boards in each room. Everyone though was a sales guy only for his handicapper, to give the effect of not working together. Every sales guy that "made it" had their own style. Some guys were like "Seb", very methodical, not pushy but they keep asking questions, keep you talking until they figure out where you are going and how much they think they can get out of you. Others try to come off like high rolling gamblers, acting like they are buddies of whoever you are calling for, saying things like "I have never seen Jimmy so excited about a game, but between you and me I think he has a big one going tonight". Everything is a big swindle, they will do what they can to slowly juice out of you what they think they can. Sometimes that means just charging you big early on if you are a seat of the pants player who only bets big until he is broke, or nickel and dime you if they think you want to be methodical and play every week. If you want proof, just look at their database. Its loaded with so many names you wouldn't believe it. Many bought from elsewhere. However out of 100 names, I would say maybe one or two is live, meaning still willing to bet and play through a service. That is one or two out of 100 that at one time paid something to receive a pick in the past. If the service did well, you would think they would have at least 50 that would be willing to buy more picks, after all most are degenerate gamblers craving the action more than the win. There is so much you can say about the operation, but just remember its a mix of telemarketing and car sales. Just because one comes off one way doesn't mean the others aren't more what you are expecting. And don't forget they won't lose forever. They do have some talent, but its not exactly managed in a way a handicapper would. They hype and pick games merely to sell them. This means they should end up close to 50-55%. They will have good runs and bad runs, but in the end they will be only a little bit better than average and considering the hefty fee they will extract from you its never a good deal.


      • #4
        I heard Feist owns and runs porno sites on the internet also and does nicely with that also.
        He should probably avail himself from the services of some of those women when his picks turn sour;it might turn his day around in more than one way.


        • #5
          Heard that he has an interest in at least one offshore book.

          I would say services like Fiest make easily 6 figures a year and maybe 7 figures.


          • #6
            Great info Brownie

            Thanks for you information about handicappers. I had 2 bad
            experiances this year. I will never use any again. The only thing
            you can do is pick your own games. Someone told me a lot
            of handicappers are associated with casinos and purposely
            give out losing picks. The only thing you cvan do is look at as
            many peoples picks for one game and if the majority pick one
            game then they may be something eto it as today I counted
            41 that picked Minnesota and 10 that picked KC so I bet
            on Minnesota. As I write this Minnesota is winning 31 - 0.


            • #7
              I am very suspicious of the services which encourage you to use MVP with such offers as a month's or in even some cases a year of free service if you send MVP enough money.
              To coin the old cliche, its like the fox guarding the henhouse.
              Last edited by savage1; 12-20-2003, 07:17 PM.


              • #8
                I remember about 1 1/2 years ago when I got into a discussion on line with our "beloved" Ty Gaston, he said he made around 500K a year(with $1500 each for his code Zebra plays, maybe he did-yeah right!).
                Last edited by savage1; 12-20-2003, 07:37 PM.


                • #9
                  I know a Capper personally, small compared to Fiest, Root, and the big boys...Anyway, this guy made 185k last year trust me, these big boys are making MILLIONS a joke


                  • #10
                    Reeds25, which service is that one ?

                    Did that service win or lose games overall ?

                    Do they have a web site ?


                    • #11
                      Ty Gaston:

                      MF claims he is Keith Fahnhorst of sf 49ERS fame ....

                      DO NOT WASTE TIME


                      • #12
                        I predict that within 3 years or so, when more and more gamblers have and use computers, sports services will not exist as we know the term today.
                        Once 1) folks find out that virtually all the paid cappers' picks are available for nothing on the internet and 2) there are great cappers here like Memphis Mafia. et al whose picks are far superior to those offered by paid cappers (and best of all they are free), people will feel it is a waste of money.
                        Newsletters may exist for a while like PowerSweep because some folks like reading about teams, stats, etc. jmho.


                        • #13
                          Your own picks are

                          very much beter than $100.00 pick.

