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i am ready now

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  • i am ready now

    i believe i will have another call on tomorrow night's game. although it wont be as big as last night's, i may call the game anyway tomorrow. for those of you who changed their minds or just upped their bets last night, i'm glad i could help.....for those others, we will make some money this bowl season, just look for my posts.

    good luck tonight on the bball plays.......anyone care to give me two or three stone cold (L-word)s....????

    and by the way, i dont rate my games as any star or goy/gom/gow.........i will just rant like there is no tomorrow when i know a play will hit. that got on a few nerves yesterday, but payday was big, nonetheless!

  • #2
    dingle, congrats on last nights pick


    • #3
      Three Cheers

      Three cheers for Dingle.Berry, for his sure, and outstanding pick last night on Memphis. You turned quite a few heads.

      hip-hip hoo-ray, hip-hip hoo-ray, hip-hip hoo-ray.hip-hip hoo-ray, hip-hip hoo-ray, hip-hip hoo-ray :tongue:
      yah mon!!!


      • #4

        you have to learn to win with the same grace you lose with.
        You want respect?
        earn it


        • #5
          the term " my call " is a little bit lax because several people had it , long before your attention getting post. I say this because of your post today with no bearing on any games or imput on any games and it appears you just wanted the world to know you where here again . Trust me on this one , as you where just told and told well , it will come with time because it takes time to build a good reputation and a respect for your abilities to " call " a game .

          Its not going to happen here with a " One Shot Wonder " or the words my followers , people here have nailed 22 games in a row and far more impressive was the fact they never once blew thier horn . I hope and wish you well with all your shots at glory , but act accordingly meaning :

          Like You Been There Before !

          Humblely Yours :


          :cool: :cool: :cool:
          " The Wind Does Not Wait For The Tree To Bend "


          • #6

            Well said!


            • #7

              I agree with wayne Well Said
              1 of 1 Morons


              • #8
                u try to help someone out and they call your ass out.....that is funny.

                thanks for the comments anyway. don't know if i will post again....thanks


                • #9

                  I think you misunderstand what is going on is not that the people who saw your post and played the game are not appreciative, they are............believe me, i was very appreciative and was planning on making a small north texas play, no question about it, you made me money.........

                  for one, i hope you continue to post picks when you are that confident , i think they just wish you approached it in a different way...........i have had a few posts with the same confidence but i will usually just give longer analysis; thus your final post with that analysis was is hard for the people here who have very good records and history's just to bet based on somebody talking a bunch of crap on a post.......understand the worst handicapper on the planet can come up, post 4 games , talk like johnny demarco and the rest of us would not know if that person was legit or not

                  i like the confidence, i loved the pick, but not until you backed it up with your honest post about where you got it from
                  good luck


                  • #10
                    nice job!!!!!!!!
                    Boom chaka laka boom


                    • #11
                      just go about yer business and post yer plays matter what u do around here someone always gets their panties bunched up and says some stupid yer plays and when u honestly feel a play is top notch than say so..........need not worry what anyone thinks......just keep doin whatever yer doin



                      • #12
                        Originally posted by dingle.berry
                        u try to help someone out and they call your ass out.....that is funny.

                        thanks for the comments anyway. don't know if i will post again....thanks
                        My Dear Fellow :

                        A lady does no such thing as calling you out , and it was not put forth in the manner you assume. I was meagerly pointing out some facts along with some good advise towards wagering etiquette because winning a game ( no matter how you put it ) is only a game . I won 15 tonite and ASK no one to do what you did or in the manner you did such . I would hate to see you go and thats not what anyone wants , but being the gambler I am I have lost before and will again so losing you will just be another ticket on the floor . This is not going where I set out to go , its trying to be turned into a pissing match ( one Im ill equipped to win ) and thats a shame . Lets just stick to the facts and help eachother out cause thats the true intent on being here , I stand down and back out of this one and await your next winner !



                        :cool: :cool: :cool:
                        " The Wind Does Not Wait For The Tree To Bend "


                        • #13
                          MMM.........u come in this dudes thread and pull his chain a little bit and get people all worked up and then u step aside?????

                          hell if I picked 40 games a night id win quite a few per night whole point of this response is that who cares if this guy thinks of himself as the 'BEST CAPPER ALIVE'.......whats that 2 anyone??????

                          Just let the guy be and post his games........if hes good people will appreciate it and if he isnt then so be just 1 for as many outlooks as possible

                          Hell........I personally think WIZARDofODDS is an idiot but I sure as hell RESPECT HIS SELECTIONS and look for them when he UNLOADS on a specific play..............

                          This is a FORUM with thousands of members........lets just try to stay POSITIVE........and if nothing positive can be said lets say nothing at all........

                          FUCK am I EVER rambling ON AND ON.............SORRY



                          • #14
                            Did you read his post :confused:

                            And if you did , did you see what he ask :confused:

                            And I get people stirred up :confused:

                            Think about it , and as I said Im done with it because he ask for something , then got it and then this is what I get ?????

                            I would like to see you tackle 40 wagers a day also , anytime !

                            Good Day


                            :cool: :cool: :cool:
                            " The Wind Does Not Wait For The Tree To Bend "


                            • #15

                              are you kidding me with the 'if i picked 40 games a day, i would win 15.' comment

                              wayne pointed out in another thread the ridiculous nature of homer's college football records, same goes for Memphis's record.........last i checked, it was about 50-70 games over .500 and her totals plays are great

                              i agree with the 'lets be positive' and b/c we are all gamblers, we all have egos and want to out do everyone else.........

                              for one, i would have loved to have been doing this all year to see if i could have competer with homer's 60-31, although i look back and i know the answer to that is NO F***ing WAY........


