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sunday baskets

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  • sunday baskets

    over 208 sacramento 5 *

  • #2

    Just gotta hope the Suns have some legs left!

    I will be on it with the Kings going to the rack early and often!

    I am NOT schizophrenic......and NEITHER am I! Just paranoid that fear may overcome my insanity!


    • #3
      You owe Stephon Marbury a Christmas card! :-) If you didnt catch the end, the game was sitting on 202 with 2:30 left or so. both teams miss a series of shots and with 25 secs left the game is still on 202. Phoenix misses a shot and fouls, Sac makes both total now 204. Suns miss two wild threes and foul Miller who makes both shots now on 206(106-100). Suns come down again miss three shots and foul Kings with 5 secs. Miller misses first makes second now on 207. Suns Marbury gets ball with 5 secs down by 7. Most NBAers would just let clock expire, but not Stephon Marbury who races the length of the court for an uncontested layup to pad the stats with 0.8 secs left and send the game OVER! Gotta luv the NBA! :-)


      • #4

        it has been my belief for years that they all know what the pointspread is if that game was to stay under there would have been no racing i have many stories unfortunately we dont have the time and some i could not discuss but your right you have to love it
        Last edited by poboy; 12-15-2003, 03:29 PM.


        • #5

          I couldn't agree with you more. Those players know the spreads of both the over/under and line spread and when the game is in hand they make sure it goes a certain way.

          You just have to hope your on the right side. Thats what makes the NBA so hard to cap.
          1 of 1 Morons


          • #6
            By far the worst team of all for dickering with the pontspread and/or totals at the end is th LA Lakers.
            I have seen so many inexplicable turnovers, missed shots, missed foul shots by players on that team in the last few minutes (Kobe is especially guilty) after actual outcome of game has been decided that I would bet anything if such a thing was provable that they are trying to control how much they win by or to put game under or over the total.
            Some of the things which have happened in Lakers playoffs games during the past few seasons are unbelievable;I remember one stretch of games where team either covered the game, didn't cover the game and same for over and unders by about 1 point.I maintain that that team (some of players anyways) are are as crooked as they come.


            • #7

              I totally agree perfect example:

              Friday Night Orlando against New Jersey.

              New Jersey is winning by 4: 99-95

              with ten seconds left Jason Kidd comes to the line and mind you the spread is - 4 1/2 to New Jersey.

              Guess what happens Kidd missed both Free throws. Stats of game.

              Kidd 6 8 75.0. Those were the only two Free Throws he missed all game. :confused: :confused: :confused:

              What are the odds of that ? :eek: :eek:
              1 of 1 Morons


              • #8
                Homer-they say when you have all the money you need, the next thing is you want power-in this case controlling who wins and who loses with the pointspreads.


                • #9
                  Power :

                  It gos without saying , when you have all the money you want the next thing is power . But with power you can make sure your friends have all the money they want also

                  " Gambling 101 "



                  :cool: :cool: :cool:
                  " The Wind Does Not Wait For The Tree To Bend "


                  • #10
                    As usual, a wise, appropriate and fitting response from Madame/Chairwoman Memphis.
                    Last edited by savage1; 12-15-2003, 04:05 PM.


                    • #11
                      savage 1

                      As usual you never let a quip slip by you , always on guard

                      My feelings with the NBA ( National Bamboozle League ) is somewhat the same as the question you been asking about over/unders , to wit :

                      I wish I could have a print-out of all the games that have been decided by certain players , and thier current financial status (or thier relatives or friends ) . Things like :

                      Current Lawsuits
                      Current Credit Reports
                      Current Investments
                      Current Sportsbook Info
                      Current Loan Shark Status
                      Current Feelings About Thier Team
                      Current Squabbles With Team-mates
                      Current Sex Life ( " The Million Dollar Club " - Dallas , Texas )

                      And so on and so on , but I cant accesss these things like most of us so I have to depend on my moxie and what it gives me to make determinations on the outcomes . But manys the time I walked away wondering just how the hell I lost , the above holds many answers !



                      :cool: :cool: :cool:

                      ps - the nice things about dogs are , you get 14 chances not to come home broke , and except for foul play they will never sell you out !
                      " The Wind Does Not Wait For The Tree To Bend "


                      • #12
                        Any Tips :

                        On whos got the jock rash tonight ?



                        :cool: :cool: :cool:
                        " The Wind Does Not Wait For The Tree To Bend "

