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Super Bowl Pick

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  • Super Bowl Pick

    Wow after reading some of the threads I can see the temperature rising with all of the strong feelings other than trying to beat the books....

    This is what I am doing and will post only very little commentary. Feel free to bash, trash or speak your peace as I really don't care. Followed many this year that helped me when I was on the fence.

    10* Green Bay Packers -2.5 buy the half

    5* Under 46

    GB Healthy team, Pitt will be forced to run and throw short passes due to injuries. GB Defense has the edge with a less than stellar secondary for Pitt if GB offensive line can provide some protection. Troy P still isn't 100% and will not be as effective and in the NFL tenths of a second in reaction time can be the difference between TD's and int's or sacks.

    Just my humble opinion....

    BOL to all.

    2* Prop----- National Anthem over 1:54

    GoldenGreek, Bryce, Raven, FBCoach, SirPorkie, Wayne I have followed you all this season in Football and can say I came out on top.... Thanks for your commentary and picks.

  • #2
    gl fade


    • #3
      Good Luck fade


      • #4
        Gl buddy
        MLB 2012***100-98 +$215 OR +2.15 UNITS
        HUGE PLAYS 2-1

        NFL 2011-2012** 6-10
        0-0TOP PLAYS

        NCAA FBL 2011-2012**** 26-23

        4-1 TOP PLAYS

        GOY 33-12 ALL SPORTS

        AS of 6/3/12


        • #5
          Gl fade no bashing here baby just drinking and having fun $$$$$$

