The orientalhawn goes out of his way to patch up differences with people and wish them a Happy New Year, and something like this happens.
We have a law in Hawaii were you need a permit to buy FIREWORKS for New Years eve. I purchase the permit for $25, but I'm unbale to purchase FIREWORKS because the retailers run out. On the permit it says NO REFUNDS. I call and complain and get a call back saying they will extend my permit so next year I can buy FIREWORKS. What GREAT customer service, I'm HAPPY.
Now what has happened to HERESATIP makes me sick, its just like someone in my FAMILY just got MURDERED.
My service HSW may not get all their picks right but they are HONEST, I've been with them for 20+ years and have never gotten a play AFTER kick off, if I ever hard a problem they always helped me out.
I don't know who's telling the TRUTH, but what I do know is that I'm done posting on this board.
To all my friends I'm sorry it's been a great run, MONTE thank you for your hard work.
We have a law in Hawaii were you need a permit to buy FIREWORKS for New Years eve. I purchase the permit for $25, but I'm unbale to purchase FIREWORKS because the retailers run out. On the permit it says NO REFUNDS. I call and complain and get a call back saying they will extend my permit so next year I can buy FIREWORKS. What GREAT customer service, I'm HAPPY.
Now what has happened to HERESATIP makes me sick, its just like someone in my FAMILY just got MURDERED.
My service HSW may not get all their picks right but they are HONEST, I've been with them for 20+ years and have never gotten a play AFTER kick off, if I ever hard a problem they always helped me out.
I don't know who's telling the TRUTH, but what I do know is that I'm done posting on this board.
To all my friends I'm sorry it's been a great run, MONTE thank you for your hard work.