As far as N Iowa not enough of a consensus on them to scare me off. It is a low profile game, only thing that puts this game on the map is because NO Iowa is ranked. I think they are significantly better and off four days rest off of a loss they will want to bounce back. Plus Indiana State has nobody to match No Iowa's big man.
Still it may be safer to throw them in there ML as well, sacrifice a little of the payout.
As far as n iowa not enough of a consensus on them to scare me off. It is a low profile game, only thing that puts this game on the map is because no iowa is ranked. I think they are significantly better and off four days rest off of a loss they will want to bounce back. Plus indiana state has nobody to match no iowa's big man.
Still it may be safer to throw them in there ml as well, sacrifice a little of the payout.
Good luck all day today
There is a kid on another forum who goes to indiana st and knows the team very well
His record on indiana state games this year is 7-1-1