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CFB Thurs Night***Another 5* Winner***

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  • CFB Thurs Night***Another 5* Winner***

    I hit my last big play on Saturday with 5 units on W Va and Thursday I am going with:

    5* S. Miss -3 +100 TCU's BCS bubble will burst Thursday night! S miss by 2 TD's. S Miss is 6-0 vs the conf, 6-0 as a favorite, 4-0 as a home favorite and throw in some revenge from last year and the G-eagles come out with a win. This line is totally off! How can the #9 team in the nation be getting points. They shouldn't be! Don't fall into the trap. Those points look to good to take.

    Here are 2 more that I am looking at:

    Mich -7 will wait for the line to drop below 7; OSU overrated and Mich at home with revenge

    Syracuse +2- Syracuse at home will upset W VA. I played with the Mountaineers in this same type of game last week.

    Back with more this weekend

    Follow me @RR_SportsPicks
    Winning isn't everything it's the only thing!!!!!

  • #2
    living somewhat closet to hattiesburg

    i can tell you that usm will be up for this doubt, they will win, only question is by how much.........i still like them to cover anyway....


    • #3
      dingle berry

      That is good to hear!

      thanks for the info

      Follow me @RR_SportsPicks
      Winning isn't everything it's the only thing!!!!!


      • #4
        TCU/S Miss

        TCU is to worried about being in the BCS and their not concentrating on S Miss which will cost them big time tomorrow night. S Miss gets revenge Thursday Night.

        Follow me @RR_SportsPicks
        Winning isn't everything it's the only thing!!!!!


        • #5

          4* S Miss -3 +105 I picked up 4 units tonight in the Marshall game and decided to put that on tomorrows winner.

          Thursday Night

          9* S Miss -3 (5* @ +100 and 4* @ +105)


          Follow me @RR_SportsPicks
          Winning isn't everything it's the only thing!!!!!


          • #6
            Love the call Lewis :D
            1 of 1 Morons


            • #7
              1 of 1 Morons


              • #8
                lets bring it home

                Lewis, i am with ya, i think i am going to move the line up to sou. miss -3 at +100 and maybe even -3.5........
                good luck to all



                • #9
                  I don't think TCU is looking past this game at all as they know how important it is. If they win this game they should go undefeated on the season and will get a better bowl game. If anything I would think they would end up overlooking SMU next week if they win this game. However SMU is not very good.


                  • #10
                    HELL YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                    A 9 unit winner tonight!!!! They almost blew the game but they got it done. I was so pissed because they weren't putting in their hands team that I almost through the remote at the TV.


                    :D :D :D
                    Follow me @RR_SportsPicks
                    Winning isn't everything it's the only thing!!!!!


                    • #11
                      Agree with you that was to fucking close in the end for me
                      1 of 1 Morons


                      • #12
                        lewis/homer, sou. miss??

                        i was passed out drunk at 24-6 and in the back of a cab, woke up this morning, and hear 40-28, and that it was actually 31-28??

                        anyway, who cares, and based on what i am reading, i did not need to the added stress...........this is the worst hangover i think i have ever had, with that said, i am considering a nice play on boise state tonight.....too early to tell though, give me some feedback



                        • #13

                          I am going to pass on tonights game. I feel their is better games on Saturday. I am already on Syracuse for 3 units and I like Mich at home but the -7 scares me. I am going to wait to see what the line does. I feel that alot of people will jump on Ohio St +7 and it should bring this line down some.


                          Follow me @RR_SportsPicks
                          Winning isn't everything it's the only thing!!!!!

