904 atlanta +104
906 reds -125
908 mets -127
909 pirates +134
912 rockies -143
913 cubs -120
916 giants +148
918 detroit -119
920 clevland -108
921 angels -119
924 texas -150
926 royals -133
928 twins +107
i know alot of plays but want alot of action tonight
good luck guys lets kill the books today
906 reds -125
908 mets -127
909 pirates +134
912 rockies -143
913 cubs -120
916 giants +148
918 detroit -119
920 clevland -108
921 angels -119
924 texas -150
926 royals -133
928 twins +107
i know alot of plays but want alot of action tonight
good luck guys lets kill the books today