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How does the wind impact the new Yankee Stadium?

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  • How does the wind impact the new Yankee Stadium?

    You guys seem to be able to answer anything, so I figured I'd ask it here. My question is which way is the wind blowing (N, E, S, W) to be blowing out of the stadium? I'm asking from a fantasy baseball perspective, but it would seem relevant from an over/under perspective as well. On that crazy Saturday, when all the HRs were hit, it said the wind was blowing West or Northwest. Posada was talking about what an impact the wind has in the stadium. Does that mean the westerly winds blow out of the stadium, meaning more HRs and more scoring?

    Today's game looks to be heading towards a rain out, but I saw 15-20 mph East winds today, so I'm thinking that would be blowing in, meaning less HRs, meaning unders...........and from my perspective a good time to start Pettitte?

    Who knows?

  • #2
    While we are on the subject, can someone also remind me about Wrigley? I own Harden and Lilly, but can't remember which way the wind has to be going to be blowing out.


    • #3
      go to yesterdays Kruise section, and you'll see where I show the wind direction in relation to Home plate, and the temp avs humidity......

      or go here daily.....

      MLB Event Weather at, the leader in Sportsbook and Gaming information - Pro Basebal Game Weather Forecast, MLB Event Weather Forecast

      The bigger difference between the temp and the humidity denotes a lighter ball, thus going further, with winds blowing out, it dictates a potential OVER....IMO

      I wrote several articles in thiis Forum regarding that topic...went into a lots of detail from an Engineering and Physics stand point....

      Todays outlook at Yankee Stadium is as such....

      OAK A'S
      Mon 7:05 p.m. ET CLOUDY, 80% CHANCE RAIN. IN FROM RIGHT 10-20, GUSTY Temp 49 Humid 86 %

      Cloudy and Humid 86 %....Heavy resistance to travel of ball flight....less distance....

      Winds in from RF at 10-20 MPH....Thus a strong wind, directly in the face of a left hand hitter hitting to right field....Slows the ball down drasticly....

      Lets reverse this...., and say
      Winds OUT to right 15-20 MPH, with a temp of 86, and Humid 49. means light resistance to ball, will fly out faster, thus rendering a lean to the OVER....

      Temp has to be 10% more than Humid to be a factor for light ball...the bigger the difference, the lighter ball....

      Lighter Ball = less resistance to travel, goes further....

      Heavier ball = more..................................less distance...

      This is a big factor in my determining OVERS....

      Hope this helps
      Last edited by Kaptain; 04-20-2009, 02:08 PM.

      Don't make me go Cajun on your Ass!


      • #4
        Originally posted by harold_bush View Post
        While we are on the subject, can someone also remind me about Wrigley? I own Harden and Lilly, but can't remember which way the wind has to be going to be blowing out.

        tell ya the direction in relation to Home Plate, as if you were the Batter...
        Last edited by Kaptain; 04-20-2009, 02:07 PM.

        Don't make me go Cajun on your Ass!


        • #5
          Thanks Kapt!


          • #6
            Good info Kapt. Do you have any idea if the dunkel index factors in bullpens?
            MLB (2014): (3-4) -.9 units

