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3 Wise Men Baseball Wednesday 4/8

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  • 3 Wise Men Baseball Wednesday 4/8

    We're only 2 days into the season and I can already see where things are going ... Run Line games had a great run a few years back, but when taking the 1 1/2 runs the vig is so cumbersome that it requires winning 2 out of 3 just to break even ... NO GOOD !

    So from now on I'll only give a run line team when it has the definite edge and the vig is within reason.

    The Plays for Wednesday: Top Daily Play is 2-0

    2* Toronto -125 ... right back with The Jays as a top play

    1* Cincinnati at Even

    1* Houston +125

    1* Milwaukee -110

    1* Cleveland -115

    1* Kansas City at Even

    1* Oakland -110

    Run Line Play :

    1* San Diego +1 1/2
    Runs at Even Money or -105

    Best of Luck Us


  • #2
    GL today CB, Thanks for posting!


    • #3
      Good Luck CB
      2012 - 2013 NCAAF

      21 - 20 - 0

      2012 - 2013 NFL

      14 - 10 - 1


      • #4
        It's great seeing the "3 Wise Men" title on this thread. It takes me back.
        Thanks and good luck CB, L2S
        Excuse me while I kiss the sky!!!


        • #5
          Thankjs CB....take care of us this year in MLB, as only you can....keep em coming....

          Don't make me go Cajun on your Ass!


          • #6
            Good luck Neil

            Thanks for the Toronto pick yesterday
            Questions, comments, complaints:
            [email protected]


            • #7
              Thanks for posting neil your plays are appreciated buddy
              MLB 2012***100-98 +$215 OR +2.15 UNITS
              HUGE PLAYS 2-1

              NFL 2011-2012** 6-10
              0-0TOP PLAYS

              NCAA FBL 2011-2012**** 26-23

              4-1 TOP PLAYS

              GOY 33-12 ALL SPORTS

              AS of 6/3/12


              • #8
                good luck CB!!
                "CFB YTD: 5-8-1 -16.2"


                • #9
                  gl coverboy
                  1* $50

                  NFL 9-5-1
                  NCAAF 4-6
                  Teaser 18-11
                  MLB 11-22
                  NBA 45-44-2
                  NCAAB 42-37-2
                  2009 Overall 129-123-5


                  • #10
                    thanks and gl!!!!!!


                    • #11
                      Taking it on the chin today ... I'll keep posting but go very lightly the first few weeks

                      We'll get it back for sure but for now let's keep things calm and cool until we get enough stats under our belt.


                      • #12
                        no worries CB, seems a lot of people had a rough go of it. Long season, and I am sure that by the end of it you will have shit all over your book
                        "CFB YTD: 5-8-1 -16.2"


                        • #13
                          great stuff CB i loved your football plays, keep em coming. bad day today but it's early like you said. GL tommorrow.

