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Dancing with the Kaptain DAY 5

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  • #16
    GL Kapt!!!
    2019 SEASON
    42-34-1 +4.30 units

    11-11 +2.60 units


    • #17
      GL Kapt and thanks for the write ups
      You can't drink all day if you don't start in the morning


      • #18
        Good luck Kapt


        • #19
          thanks and gl kapt!!! i grabbed memphis over 142 earlier and now it is down to 140.5.


          • #20
            GL tonight Kapt...thanks for the winners!


            • #21
              Good Luck!!!



              • #22
                gl kapt


                • #23
                  [QUOTE=Kaptain;1614498]Record through DAY 4 is.....
                  13-11......+ 96.50 units
                  5* 2-7
                  10* 5-3
                  20* 5-1
                  30* 1-0

                  damn, I can only imagine how much better this would have been with "Write-Ups"....

                  you never stop do you? good luck. I know you're trying to bait me into an argument, I know how you are. You keep on cracking on people, but when they comeback with a viable counter, you tend to refrain from saying anything else. You did it all the time with people in the old "rant forum." I remember you and Celtic getting into it all the time. Good luck with your plays. I'm going to stay out of you're threads from now on, so I will not have to bother with this kind of stuff. I will close with this, and I'm finished, the reason I forgot to mention your plays in my thread is because I never look at your plays to begin with, my fault. Good luck with your capping and I wish you nothing but the best.
                  "It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so." -Mark Twain


                  • #24
                    Thanks el Kaptian for the over Missou. Looks like its a winner.

                    Went on both late dogs too and their looking good.

                    Just hope I don't jinx them.

                    I haven't been posting lately because of health problems.

                    Always wondered why the girls said I was so sweet. My blood sugar was double the normal figure.

                    Need to lose 100 lbs and get active and will be back to normal I hope.

                    Thanks for all your wisdom you share with us all.

                    GO BUCKY !!!!!


                    Life's a gamble, hold out for nickle juice!


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Kaptain View Post
                      Record through DAY 4 is.....
                      13-11......+ 96.50 units
                      5* 2-7
                      10* 5-3
                      20* 5-1
                      30* 1-0

                      damn, I can only imagine how much better this would have been with "Write-Ups"....

                      811/812 Mzo/Mem OVER 142

                      MZO/MEM OVER.....see above.....only thing scares me about this over is both teams lack of FT shooting....May have an OT game though.....I think both get in the 70's tonight....

                      GL fellows....lock and load....
                      Another Easy Over! Thanks for the WINNER!!

                      TOUCHDOWN FAT BOY!

                      I was Born my Pappy's Son,
                      When I hit the ground, I was on the Run!
                      Jon E. Checkers


                      • #26

                        Originally posted by Kaptain View Post
                        Record through DAY 4 is.....
                        13-11......+ 96.50 units
                        5* 2-7
                        10* 5-3
                        20* 5-1
                        30* 1-0

                        damn, I can only imagine how much better this would have been with "Write-Ups"....

                        you never stop do you? good luck. I know you're trying to bait me into an argument, I know how you are.
                        When you open a thread and make the assanine statement you did, no, I don't let up....Never saw you apologize to the members you insulted.....Bait you, hell no, you initiated this slader....and you say you know how I am....That's wonderful, I;ve been married 43 years, and my own wife doesn't know how I am....what a gift you have

                        You keep on cracking on people, but when they comeback with a viable counter, you tend to refrain from saying anything else.
                        When you have a viable one let me and others know, then I'll acknowledge it....You haven't shown one yet...

                        You did it all the time with people in the old "rant forum." I remember you and Celtic getting into it all the time.
                        And yet another hip shot---erroneous statement from you.....I didn't frequent the Rant Forum, and who in the hell is Celtic.....

                        Good luck with your plays. I'm going to stay out of you're threads from now on
                        Thanks, I prefer it that way,

                        so I will not have to bother with this kind of stuff.
                        Don't initiate ignorance and you won't have to put up with it...

                        I will close with this, and I'm finished, the reason I forgot to mention your plays in my thread is because I never look at your plays to begin with, my fault.
                        Everyone of my threds contain Picks.....If you never go into em, how did you find your way into em lately....Maybe you should visit mine, and many others B4 you make in correct statemenmts as you did B4.....simply put, get your facts straight, then fire your shots....That's VIABLE info, not hip shots
                        In My response to your erroneous/lack of knowledge statement, I used myself as an example......I know others have been doing well, and they didn't deserve to be classifed as you did em....still don't understand what you want from us....Pick your own, write em up, as yoiu did on MZO.....good call, and yes I also had em...

                        Good luck with your capping and I wish you nothing but the best.
                        and as you said....I'm through with this, you showed me where you stand, and I showed you where I stand, it just happens to be opposite sides of the street....

                        PS----I post every day, multiple games, and you calim to be an SEC heads up man....

                        Recent Games involving, Ky, Fla., Aub., where were your write ups.....???????
                        Last edited by Kaptain; 03-27-2009, 12:45 PM.

                        Don't make me go Cajun on your Ass!


                        • #27
                          this is what I was talking about:

                          "It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so." -Mark Twain


                          • #28

                            Originally posted by grandmama View Post
                            Thanks for bringing this up....Only serves to better validate my feelings toward useless threads that can only inititate more trouble BS around here....

                            Go back and read through em, with BOTH eyes open, and no racial bias, and you'll see where I feel my statements were accurate, and agreed with by severak members.....

                            So what's your point here....

                            You say I'm trying to bait you, give me a break....

                            you say in one breath you're not coming in my thread, then you do....

                            Besides this is all irrelevant to that Ignorant ass thread you started yesterday, is it not,,,,Are you trying to justify your ignorant ass/useless thread by bringing out old ones....

                            go back to where we were, yesterday, GrandMaMa, you stay on one side of the street, I'll stay on the other...

                            I personaly don't give a rats ass about your warped ass opinion, and don't expect with your lack of intellect/open mindness to understand mine.....

                            GO back and READ, try to comprehend what you read, retain it, then fire just might have a different opinion of me.....

                            And anyone who believes LSU was nothing till SABAN got there is totaly predujice to SABAN.....and not knowing anything of LSU history....

                            Regardless of how far back it goes, Dietzel, and Charlie Mac had some pretty damn good years at LSU.....

                            I guess the next thing I'll hear is that OU (Okla U) was nothing till Stoops got there.....Forget Wilkinson and Switzer cause that was too long ago.....selective extraction of the facts to support one's opinion....whole picture my man....

                            Now lets try this shit again, I don't give a fvk about your opinion, and apparently you don't of stay on your side of the street, as this is going nowhere....

                            This all started cause I didn't/don't understand your logic/name calling, attempt at what, in that threa you started, and I'm not the only member here that had a problem with it....

                            So to satisfy your EGO, let's just say we're ALL wrong and YOU're right......

                            Have a good day GrandMaMa, and stay away from me, cause I don't want to have a fvkn thing to do with you.....

                            Now if I was trying to bait you, I'd continue on with this you say, and I wonder who's trying to bait who.....

                            Hope you get all the help you want, and someone can pick em for ya, and then explain to you why they picked em.....Maybe they can place the wagers for ya too....geez

                            I don't have time for this useless cahtter with you, I got games to Kap, and Major Write up to Present....

                            Don't make me go Cajun on your Ass!


                            • #29
                              Ahoy Mattie!
                              of course you don't have time when someone has presented you with facts and evidence of your baiting tactics, and character assassinations. I'm sorry, I am guilty of making pleas to try to promote more conversation in regards to match ups of teams from different parts of the country, that some of us might have been able to see play more often than others. Just because you think its a bad idea, and just because you want to shot me down because of the way that I presented my argument. Does that mean its a bad idea, and would not benefit the community as a whole? I'm going to stay out of your threads, but when you take shots at me, like you did to begin this post, I will defend myself.

                              "It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so." -Mark Twain


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by grandmama View Post
                                I'm going to stay out of your threads,

                                Make sure you do ... Don't make another post in any of Kaptain's threads ...


