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DAY 2: Tourney Plays

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  • DAY 2: Tourney Plays

    Hey guys! Well that break did me good...

    Thursday yielded a 5-2-1 record for +22.50 units.
    (I must say that I did have Akron at +13 1/2. I'm sure many of you actually got them at +14. I say this because I posted them late Wednesday night at +13. So I really was 6-2 for +32.50 units in actuality. But hey, posted them at +13 so it counts as a push!)

    My system as of now only has two top plays for Friday... My top plays went 1-1-1 officially (actually 2-1) on Thursday. Here are the plays so far:

    10 units - Temple +5 1/2
    10 units - Arizona +1 1/2

    6 units - Utah State +5
    3 units - Oklahoma State +2 1/2

    I'm really not feeling these top plays that my system has put out (which isn't always a bad thing btw), so I'm making them the smallest double-digit wagers I can (10 units apiece)... The other two are early games. Best of luck everyone!!! I will be back later on tomorrow! Let's keep rollin'!!!
    2019 SEASON
    42-34-1 +4.30 units

    11-11 +2.60 units

  • #2
    Gl nut!!


    • #3
      Nice start Pnut. BOL the rest of the tournament


      • #4
        Uhhhh so like has Utah State already won or something? Blah blah blah double-digit win blah blah blah... Sheesh! That's all I can say... I read that and... SIGH!!!

        Why don't we just scrap the current 64-team format and have just a 12-team format of all Big East teams playing for the national championship!!! Sheesh! Keep betting conferences (not teams) and you'll be one broke-ass SOB by the time this is all said and done... WAIT! I GOT IT! You'll find yourself posting a thread talkin' 'bout: "Wah! Wah! Wah! Can someone just please give me one winner?!?! Please?!?!"

        We are 2-0 so far today... Gearin' up for Temple... Just following my system, but I really want ASU to win because if they advance, THEY WILL BEAT Syracuse!
        2019 SEASON
        42-34-1 +4.30 units

        11-11 +2.60 units


        • #5
          So far today, we are 2-1 for -2.00 units. The Hooters couldn't pull it off but hey whaddayah want - two backdoor covers in one day, hours apart from each other C'mon! Okay okay, you want some good news then... Well, we are upgrading Arizona and adding another top play as you will see below... No, I'm not chasing after 2 units... gimme a break. This one just emerged. So did Kansas but I didn't have time to post or play it. Let's cash it!

          Updated Card

          14 units - Arizona +1 1/2
          12 units - Morehead State +21 1/2
          10 units -Temple +5 1/2 LOSS

          6 units - Utah State +5 WIN
          3 units - Oklahoma State +2 1/2 WIN

          Let's get 'um boys!!!
          2019 SEASON
          42-34-1 +4.30 units

          11-11 +2.60 units


          • #6
            Country hoes
            go on home
            to the place
            you belong
            worst virginia
            go on home
            country hoes!!!
            2019 SEASON
            42-34-1 +4.30 units

            11-11 +2.60 units


            • #7
              gl with the late ones

              Don't make me go Cajun on your Ass!


              • #8
                Well, we are 4-1 +24.00 units today... What a great start to the dance, boasting a 9-3-1 record and up 46.50 units!!!

                One more top play for the day, but just as with the Temple play, I'm not in love with it... I am only going 9 units on it...


                9 units - Ohio State -2 (According to my system a top play, but not in love with it here)
                6 units - Cleveland State +8
                3 units - Michigan State -15 1/2
                2 units - Florida State -2 1/2
                2019 SEASON
                42-34-1 +4.30 units

                11-11 +2.60 units

