Ugh! So early!!! Yesterday, we went 5-7-1 for +9.60 units... I think I may have had way too many plays! The juice kills man! That 10%... boy I tell you.. It WILL grind the best of them down...
More importantly was how the day ended. I was 2-7-1 for -30.40 units and hit 3 consecutive big plays... Let's keep it hot this morning:
10 units - DePaul/ Providence u144 1/2
5 units - Saint Louis/ La Salle o125 1/2
2 units - Saint Louis +3
2 units - Providence -9 1/2
Let's keep rollin'! Have a great day guys! All the best of luck!!! Be around later...
More importantly was how the day ended. I was 2-7-1 for -30.40 units and hit 3 consecutive big plays... Let's keep it hot this morning:
10 units - DePaul/ Providence u144 1/2
5 units - Saint Louis/ La Salle o125 1/2
2 units - Saint Louis +3
2 units - Providence -9 1/2
Let's keep rollin'! Have a great day guys! All the best of luck!!! Be around later...