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I Hate Duke

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  • I Hate Duke

    Does anyone that didn't go to Duke pull for this squad? Their fans are dedicated....yes, but they are the gayest/dorkiest fans bar none. They are so obnoxious it really pisses me off. All those gay ass chants all game

    Fortunately Duke doesn't play defense, so there is no way they are going anywhere in the tourney. Wake has not taken a shot outside of five feet in the second half. Layup after layup, it's hilarious.

    I can't wait to see them go down in the first or second round of the tourney.

  • #2
    It's amazing to me how many calls go in Duke's favor. The officials must be very intimidated when they call these games is all I can figure. It only makes me hate them even more!

    [email protected]

    I'm just here so I won't get fined....


    • #3
      I hope Duke gets their doors blown off in the tourney....

      [email protected]

      I'm just here so I won't get fined....


      • #4
        They always screw me, another reason to hate them. Now I only play them in teasers or ML parlays. Tonight I had WF +14 to finish off a teaser, so they at lest didn't fuck me tonight.


        • #5
          Duke is the best coached period


          • #6
            First off let me state that I am a Duke fan. With that being said I can see how if you are not a fan of them how you can dislike them. Most of my friends are Illinois fans and I get crap all the time from them. Last year my friends and I went to Denver for the Ncaa tourney and while we were there we went to ESPN zone for a day and watched games, and the Duke vs West Va game was on, and 95% of the people there were rooting for West Va. Its kind of like being a Yankees fan you either love them or hate them. I just learned to deal with it.

