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Report: Clemens' DNA in syringes

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  • Report: Clemens' DNA in syringes

    WASHINGTON -- Tests have linked Roger Clemens' DNA to blood in syringes that his former personal trainer says he used to inject the pitcher with performance-enhancing drugs, according to a report.

    Citing two unidentified sources familiar with the investigation, The Washington Post reported Tuesday that the DNA results are preliminary and subject to verification tests. The newspaper said Clemens voluntarily gave a DNA sample to federal authorities, according to the sources, and it still remains to be determined whether the syringes ever contained steroids or human growth hormone.

    The test results could prove important to the investigation into whether Clemens lied under oath to Congress last year when he denied using steroids or HGH.

    Prosecutors have asked a federal grand jury in Washington to decide whether to indict the seven-time Cy Young Award winner. Brian McNamee has told federal agents, baseball investigator George Mitchell and a House of Representatives committee that he injected Clemens more than a dozen times with steroids and HGH from 1998-2001.

    Clemens' lawyer, Rusty Hardin, told the Post that the DNA testing "won't matter at all."

    "It will still be evidence fabricated by McNamee," Hardin was quoted as saying. "I would be dumbfounded if any responsible person ever found this to be reliable or credible evidence in any way."

    The Associated Press reported last week that, according to a person close to the case, the world-renowned UCLA Olympic doping lab -- where the "clear" and the "cream" of BALCO infamy first were uncovered -- has in hand the physical evidence McNamee turned over to federal prosecutors in early 2008 that his side says will link Clemens to drug use.

    For the items to play a role in the case -- to help settle the he-said, he-said between Clemens and McNamee -- investigators must know what, exactly, they contain.

    McNamee's lawyers said last year the material included vials of testosterone and unused needles Clemens gave to McNamee. They also said they turned over needles used to inject Clemens -- needles that were contained in a beer can McNamee says was removed from the trash at the pitcher's New York apartment in 2001 -- and gauze used to wipe blood off Clemens after a shot.

    At the time, Clemens' camp called it "manufactured" evidence, while the trainer's side said the items were thrown in a box by McNamee and kept for years in case he needed to "protect himself" somewhere down the line.

    "The defendants will undoubtedly claim it was tampered with. But the jury will decide whether that's true or not," one of McNamee's lawyers, Richard Emery, said in a telephone interview Friday. "I don't think there's any doubt that it'll be admitted in the case, assuming that it reveals that Clemens' DNA is mixed with steroids or HGH."

    Asked last week to comment on the UCLA lab's role, Hardin said through a spokesman: "We're happy that they're using such great resources, but it doesn't matter. Because at the end of the day, this is just a bunch of junk that was put together in a dark, dusty basement years ago by McNamee."

    Copyright 2009 by The Associated Press

    Report: Roger Clemens' DNA in Brian McNamee's syringes - ESPN

  • #2
    Hardin is squirming!
    NBA is a joke


    • #3
      Clemens is done...What a fake and a fraud


      • #4
        If Pete Rose can be banned from the HOF for gambling, there is no way Clemens should be voted in.


        • #5
          Not looking good for Clemens...However is this really important??? I dont understand where prosecuting these people honestly helps society or the sport as a whole. Unless Congress is going to use this information to impose harsher rules on MLB then going after a small %age of people isnt going to help.

          No thrills, frills, spills or write-ups. Just givin ya the winners everyday.


          • #6
            Fuck Clemens!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
            NCAA FB




            • #7
              Originally posted by savage1 View Post
              If Pete Rose can be banned from the HOF for gambling, there is no way Clemens should be voted in.
              rose broke the cardinal rule of baseball.

              clemens never violated any league rules

              then, considering that the owners, agents, commish, and everyone else didnt care.

              how can you keep him out when the sport didnt even bother banning PEDs till recently.


              • #8
                Originally posted by molta02 View Post
                rose broke the cardinal rule of baseball.

                clemens never violated any league rules

                then, considering that the owners, agents, commish, and everyone else didnt care.

                how can you keep him out when the sport didnt even bother banning PEDs till recently.
                So because PEFs weren't banned until recently means they should just overlook the fact that Clemens would never have achieved what he did had he not used them-I say bullshit to that.
                Pete Rose's obtained his great stats without help from these drugs, and thus to ban him from the HOF because of UNRELATED gambling, which had nothing to do with his accomplishments, while at the same time allowing Clemens to be admitted even though he got ILLEGAL help, is in my eyes a terrible injustice.
                In my mind it is as fair as someone having his driving license revoked for 6 months for failing to stop completely at a stop sign, while at the same time another driver is is given only a $25 speeding ticket and a warning for going 75 mph in a 35 mph zone.
                Last edited by savage1; 02-04-2009, 12:56 AM.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by savage1 View Post
                  So because PEFs weren't banned until recently means they should just overlook the fact that Clemens would never have achieved what he did had he not used them-I say bullshit to that.
                  Pete Rose's obtained his great stats without help from these drugs, and thus to ban him from the HOF because of UNRELATED gambling, which had nothing to do with his accomplishments, while at the same time allowing Clemens to be admitted even though he got ILLEGAL help, is in my eyes a terrible injustice.
                  In my mind it is as fair as someone having his driving license revoked for 6 months for failing to stop completely at a stop sign, while at the same time another driver is stopped for going 75 mph in a 35 mph zone and just being given a $25 speeding ticket.

                  at the time, he never broke any of the games rules. for that, everyone should be ashamed.

                  bottom line is he never failed a mlb drug test, because, thats right, THEY DIDNT HAVE ANY.

                  so why should it keep him out of the hall of fame? it shouldnt, but will.

                  same for barry bonds. as far is im concerned, he failed just as many drug tests as hank aaron.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by molta02 View Post
                    at the time, he never broke any of the games rules. for that, everyone should be ashamed.

                    bottom line is he never failed a mlb drug test, because, thats right, THEY DIDNT HAVE ANY.

                    so why should it keep him out of the hall of fame? it shouldnt, but will.

                    same for barry bonds. as far is im concerned, he failed just as many drug tests as hank aaron.
                    I don't care what the official rules say;Clemens cheated big time to obtain his stats-just keeping him out of the HOF is too good for him-he should also be thrown in jail for a while for lying about it before Congress-maybe that would serve as a lesson for those who are currently using PEDs or contemplating so doing.


                    • #11
                      Maybe there should be more than one HOF-the present one, another for players who have great stats but who got caught gambling and another for players with great stats but who got caught using PED's during their careers;then perhaps everyone would be happy.
                      Oh yes how about another HOF for folks like Babe Ruth, who had great stats but who liked to chase women an who showed up drunk at the ballpark;actually kudos to the Babe for what he did because alcohol isn't something which is known to "exactly" enhance your performance on the field.


                      • #12
                        Re: Should Clemens be admitted to the HOF even though Pete Rose was not:
                        The way I see it Clemens used PED's to OBTAIN his stats. while he was still playing whereas Pete Rose gambled as a manager AFTER his career was already over-huge difference!
                        In view of this,I feel is would be a terrible travesty of justice if Clemens is voted in.

