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Top 10 Worst Super Bowl teams

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  • Top 10 Worst Super Bowl teams

    #10 Pittsburgh 1995
    #9 Carolina 2003
    #8 Oakland 2002
    #7 New England 1996
    #6 San Diego 1994
    #5 Denver 1986
    #4 New England 1985
    #3 Denver 1989
    #2 Los Angeles Rams 1979
    #1 Arizona 2008

    FOX Sports on MSN - NFL - Top 10 Worst Super Bowl teams - Number 1

    Not so sure how they can put the Cardinals in there at #1 when the game hasn't even been played. If they win the game SU then this guy looks like an idiot IMO.

  • #2
    Rams #2 1979?? Really??


    • #3
      The falcons sucked ass the year they made it no way could they have not made this top 10 list
      MLB 2012***100-98 +$215 OR +2.15 UNITS
      HUGE PLAYS 2-1

      NFL 2011-2012** 6-10
      0-0TOP PLAYS

      NCAA FBL 2011-2012**** 26-23

      4-1 TOP PLAYS

      GOY 33-12 ALL SPORTS

      AS of 6/3/12


      • #4
        What about the philly-oak toilet bowl??

        Both of those teams should be on this list.

        2008 AZ, with Fitzgerald shattering every playoff receiving record?

        Just another typical stupid list. Long two weeks of filler stuff before the game.


        • #5
          Obviously just trying to get some buzz around the article, b/c as mentioned, completely ridiculous to say this the worst Super Bowl team of all time when they game hasn't been played. If they win they would have beaten Falcons, Panthers, Eagles, and Pitt, all very good teams. You don't fluke up and win that many games against those quality teams. The late season swoon and the crappy division added fuel to the fire, but they couldn't control the division, and they aren't the first team to struggle after clinching the division and really having very little to play for.


          • #6
            Yea I agree I think there has been worse teams in the Super Bowl than Arizona. The first thing is they were in such a bad division and clinched so early i believe they were not truly motivated at the end of the season when they lost 3 of 5, they were just ready to get the playoffs started. Just going back to last year look at the Giants they were NO powerhouse during the regular season, lets compare the 2 in a few categories.

            QB's Eli's 2007 stats 23 TD 20 INT 3300 yards passing
            Warner this year 30 TD 14 INT almost 4600 yards passing

            Running game not even close EDGE-Giants

            Points per game
            2007 Giants- 23 ppg
            2008 Cards- 27 ppg

            Not a huge deal but kickers
            Giants kicker in 07 was 85%
            Cardinals Kicker in 08 89%

            Defense points per game
            Giants 22
            Cards 26.5

            Sacks 07 Giants had about 10 or so more 08 Cards
            With INT on Def they were within 1 or 2 of each other

            So just quickly looking at this you can make a case that these 2 teams are comparable, I am NOT saying that Arizona is a better team than last years Giants, I wonder if the Patriots beat the Giants last year would they be on this list? This is all personal preference anyway you could ask 10 people to make this list and get 10 different list. I hope Arizona wins just to make whoever put this list out look like fools!


            • #7
              2009 Pittsburgh Steelers !!!

              jc Wishes He Can Get A Goat


              • #8
                what about the seattle seahawks from 3 years ago when PITT pounded em out in detroit!! I WAS THERE so i know how shitty seattle played....i dont know PITT vs Another NFC WEST team??? pitt could be a 2 touchdown winner..


                • #9
                  No Oakland 1968????


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by atolunch View Post
                    What about the philly-oak toilet bowl??

                    Both of those teams should be on this list.

                    2008 AZ, with Fitzgerald shattering every playoff receiving record?

                    Just another typical stupid list. Long two weeks of filler stuff before the game.

                    Arizona belongs on the list; how many Super Bowl teams gave up over 40 THREE times in a season, including over 55 once


                    • #11
                      i know this,kurt warner was sacking groceries after playing some cfl ball,now he's in his 3rd super bowl and has a ring,and its not an adjustable one,right frank-LOL,win or lose,he gets lots of props in my book !!


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by WayneChung View Post
                        i know this,kurt warner was sacking groceries after playing some cfl ball,now he's in his 3rd super bowl and has a ring,and its not an adjustable one,right frank-LOL,win or lose,he gets lots of props in my book !!
                        ps-taking nothing away from big ben either,hes been there done that also,but he's got a little better supporting cast around him !!


                        • #13
                          San Diego 1994
                          "It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so." -Mark Twain


                          • #14
                            Just read the actual articles of the teams this guy put up. It seems his argument for at least half the teams is how poorly they played in the regular season??? How does that have anything to do with how bad of a SuperBowl team they are? Either they play a good game and make it interesting or they crash and burn. This list should be filled by teams that got blown out with the top teams being ones who won some fluky disgusting games to get in and then got blown out. Not a team that won it's division and then beat 3 quality teams convincingly as a dog who hasnt even played their SB yet. Let's see if Zona can put up a fight against the Steelers and then we can rip them to shreds if need be. Damn hype artists make my blood boil. It's like listening to a tout.

                            No thrills, frills, spills or write-ups. Just givin ya the winners everyday.

