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CFB Week 15***Championship Week***

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  • #16
    Good luck today Lewis. We appreciate your capping!


    • #17
      gl lewis big day
      rjeremy for my accounts manager/i love how he keeps numbers


      • #18
        Let's slay the Books, Lew! GL!
        Three Jack's Record


        • #19

          20* Va Tech PK

          I have been waiting on this line to move in our favor to play this so I could just play it on the ML but the line has actually started to move the other way so I am going to go ahead and play this one at a PK...........Im not sure why everyone is all over BC in this one with a backup QB that IMO has looked terrible the last few weeks and without the stellar play of the BC defense they would have lost both but that gives us more value in this game so it all worked out. Both teams have great defenses and I would give the small edge to BC but with Crane out and Davis in I give a huge edge on the offensive side of the ball to VT..........The last time out VT outrushed BC and the reason they lost was the throwing of Crane but he wont be in this one and I think if BC has to rely on Davis to make plays through the air then that will lead to disaster for the Eagles and that is exactly what I think is going to happen.....VT will shut down the running game of BC and make Davis beat them......I dont think he can do it and his inexperience will be the difference in this game.....I expect at least two turnovers directly because of him........VT defense will confuse him and give him looks that he wont be able to handle........As for the VT offense, both of their QBs have been in the title game before and that should help them in this game. Glennon will do some damage through the air and Taylor will make some things happen with his feet whether its by running or by getting outside of the pocket and hitting some big passes down the field......When BC gets behind that is when the wheels are going to fall off and they will have to rely on an inexperienced QB to lead them back which I just dont see happening......VT will also probably get a big special teams score because they always seem to in big games or they will set the offense up on a short field.......I see VT winning this one by 10 or more!!!!!!!!

          Follow me @RR_SportsPicks
          Winning isn't everything it's the only thing!!!!!


          • #20
            GL today Lewis, Thanks for posting! I'll be on them!


            • #21
              Saturday plays

              BOMBS AWAY!!!!!!!!!!!

              20* UCONN -2.5

              20* Arizona -10 -115

              20* Va Tech PK

              East Carolina +12 (cant pull the trigger on this one)

              back with more

              Follow me @RR_SportsPicks
              Winning isn't everything it's the only thing!!!!!


              • #22
                Best of Luck Lewis.


                • #23
                  lewis good luck!!

                  Crusader MM starting qb at Oregon


                  • #24
                    thanks guys.......should have one more big one tonight......

                    Follow me @RR_SportsPicks
                    Winning isn't everything it's the only thing!!!!!


                    • #25
                      bol lewis


                      • #26
                        Good luck with the BOMBS today Lew!!


                        • #27
                          GL on the Bombs away plays Lewis


                          • #28
                            Good Luck Lewis
                            2012 - 2013 NCAAF

                            21 - 20 - 0

                            2012 - 2013 NFL

                            14 - 10 - 1


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by len caprisecca View Post
                              bol lewis
                              Originally posted by Moose21 View Post
                              Good luck with the BOMBS today Lew!!
                              Originally posted by LeRoy View Post
                              GL on the Bombs away plays Lewis
                              Originally posted by BillMill71 View Post
                              Good Luck Lewis
                              thanks guys and gl to ya'll!!!!!!!
                              Follow me @RR_SportsPicks
                              Winning isn't everything it's the only thing!!!!!


                              • #30
                                gl today lewis, lets get them in

