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Kaptains "Running Late" NFL Plays

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  • #16
    good luck tonight, Kapt'n! looks good to me!


    • #17
      first of all kapt congrats on your picks doin well. i was in a discussion the other day with a few friends,and i mentioned yourself ,neil,and frank b,as cappers who i thought made great use of systems they asked me if you had purchased these i informed that i would ask. neil frank b if you read this jump in please. thanks


      • #18

        Originally posted by len caprisecca View Post
        first of all kapt congrats on your picks doin well. i was in a discussion the other day with a few friends,and i mentioned yourself ,neil,and frank b,as cappers who i thought made great use of systems they asked me if you had purchased these i informed that i would ask. neil frank b if you read this jump in please. thanks
        first of all, I can only speak for for purchasin anythin my answer is no, and I know of no systems that Frankb or CB purchase either....or service for that matter....

        I do all my own capping, and I'm pretty certain that Frankb and CB do all their own as well....

        I personally

        DON"T USE

        Anti Public plays
        Contrarian plays
        Strictly chalk or Dog plays
        Or care about rankings or what they did last year
        Revenge plays.......

        I personally
        Strictly up to date data....
        I take multiple attributes and compare em against one another strictly with current stats...
        Factor in Home Field, Coaching, Injuries, who's hot, who's not, etc.....

        I generally have a line predetermined prior to em coming out....when I see a significant difference, I'll start factoring in my attributes....

        as a rule of the thumb, for me personally, I won't wager on a team as a fav or dog, unless my numbers differ fro the spread by a minimum of 2 posessions...7 1/2 to 10 pts....then I will wager according to the difference I show....

        I try not to use Gut feelings, but somehow, they always wind up in there, and I'll take a difference of say 6-7, along with my gut, and turn it into a 7 pt teaser....

        If this is a system, I don't know I call it a style)....It's the way I do it, it works for me, and for the record, it takes me a bout 20-30 minutes per game to come out with my plays....roughly 30-40 hours per week....all manualy....

        Naturally, the bigger the difference, the bigger the play....
        7-10 ranges from 1* to 2*
        11-14 ranges from 3-4 *
        15-17 5*, and an ocassional 18 + differential = my 10* HIASIGO plays......

        All the above pertains to NBA--NFL---NCAA BB and FB....

        Now this is speaking strictly for myself......I use a definite system for MLB ( I don't care about stats at all here----don't even look em up---it's all about a K factor using power rating supplied for free online)( the K factor is the trick) which I generated, tried to refine, and have been using for 11 years for me.....

        Neil and frankb in my opinion are probably 2 of the best cappers I've ever run across.....They both have their styles and expertise....End results are the same though....Steady flow of winners.....

        A pleasure to be mentioned in the same breath with these 2 guys.....hope this answers your question.....

        gl with your picks....
        Last edited by Kaptain; 11-17-2008, 07:14 PM.

        Don't make me go Cajun on your Ass!


        • #19
          thanks kapt for your response your due dilligence sure pays off. thanks again


          • #20
            well said kapt!!!! if you ever get your own handicapping site. i want that !!!!! you put time in. theres a reason your good!!!!! congrats and keep up the great picks.
            your word is your bond

