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I'm Back, Really Never Left

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  • I'm Back, Really Never Left

    Had a lot of problems getting my password and logon name to work since my last post. Retired in June, living in Oklahoma, taking care of my parnets and living large in Henryetta, OK.

    Missed not being able to post but have been following you guys. Here is my first post since I can now log on.

    Cleveland -3 5*

    Good luck to all and hi to all my BC family. You guys have always been great.

    Today I will be Happier than a Bird with a French Fry

  • #2
    Good to hear from ya CHECHE!!! Good Luck!!!


    • #3
      good luck tonight man
      "CFB YTD: 5-8-1 -16.2"


      • #4
        good luck with tha Browns tonight, Cheech!


        • #5
          Great to hear from you CheChe..Glad to hear things are going well...

          Good luck with the play tonight!


          • #6
            Good to see you living LARGE!!

            Good luck with the play!


            • #7
              Believe it or not I was wondering just today what ever happened to you. good to see your all right GL on the Browns Che Che


              • #8
                Thanks everyone, LeRoy I'm still kicking, turning 60 this month so not as high. I'm still having problems with my log in. It kicks me out everytime I change pages on the site. Maybe Spark or Wayne can email me and let me know the problem. Only thing I have changed my email since retirement. Don't know how to get a hold of anyone to give it to. Helllllllllllllllp.
                Today I will be Happier than a Bird with a French Fry


                • #9
                  gl buddy
                  MLB 2012***100-98 +$215 OR +2.15 UNITS
                  HUGE PLAYS 2-1

                  NFL 2011-2012** 6-10
                  0-0TOP PLAYS

                  NCAA FBL 2011-2012**** 26-23

                  4-1 TOP PLAYS

                  GOY 33-12 ALL SPORTS

                  AS of 6/3/12


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by CheCheBoFumbe View Post
                    Had a lot of problems getting my password and logon name to work since my last post. Retired in June, living in Oklahoma, taking care of my parnets and living large in Henryetta, OK.

                    Missed not being able to post but have been following you guys. Here is my first post since I can now log on.

                    Cleveland -3 5*

                    Good luck to all and hi to all my BC family. You guys have always been great.

                    Wow. Livin' large in Henryetta, Oklahoma...not sure how one does that unless you're Troy Aikman, but I'm glad to hear it's possible. Good luck tonight, CheChe!


                    • #11
                      welcome back, good luck!
                      Nothing is as far away as one minute ago.


                      • #12
                        Great to hear from you CheChe and glad to see things are going well!!!

                        back pal!!!
                        SOBER SINCE MARCH 28TH OF 2007!!!


                        • #13
                          good luck tonight cheche and glad you're back !!!
                          jc Wishes He Can Get A Goat


                          • #14
                            Thanks for all the warm welcomes. I love this family and site. Everyone keep up the good work.
                            Today I will be Happier than a Bird with a French Fry


                            • #15
                              good to hear from ya CheChe----I was in Henryetta just a week ago.....would love to buy you dinner next time I'm through....Tulsa to Henryetta is just a hop---skip---and jump......

                              hope all is well my man

                              Don't make me go Cajun on your Ass!

