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A Serious Note to Phil Steele

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  • A Serious Note to Phil Steele

    I know you guys at NorthCoast are aware of BettorsChat, so here's hoping Phil Sr reads this.

    You are one Sports Service I admire. I am a subscriber to Power Sweep and have been a fan of yours since I met you in the mid 90s when you used to do a guest spot on Dan McDowell's show on WHK in Cleveland. I got a copy of your College Football Preview, which I immediately recognized as BY FAR the best magazine out there. I pick that sucker up as soon as it hits the newstands in June every year. I started following your picks and your reasoning and over the last few years have become addicted to the information contained in your Power Sweep newsletter.

    I enjoy both your football knowledge and your handicapping style. Every week, I look forward (as do many here at BC) to getting your picks because your track record is excellent. Even during this bleak period, your top plays (4.5* and 5*) have hit at a good clip.

    But lately things have gone south. As in Jackie Sherill south. There was an opinion expressed earlier this weekend by a poster here at BC stating he thought things were just too tough to predict in CFB. He might be right. To my knowledge, in nearly 20 years of doing this, you had never had two losing college seasons in a row. Yet you are in danger of having that happen if things don't straighten out. HOW ABOUT WINNING A DAMN GAME?!?! Your top plays in college have sucked!!! Come on, Phil, pick it up a notch!!!! It's time for drastic measures. Pay a player for info or something....

    Just kidding. But seriously, you still have fans out there that think you'll turn it around. If you don't soon, then many more will come to the realization that it's just too hard to hit with regularity.

    I enjoy your NFL picks, which have been excellent this year. Keep up the good work there. But I used to be able to count on your college selections as well. Let's get those days back.

    I realize you're not trying to lose. Nobody works like you and wants to give out crummy picks. I'll be right there rooting for you to turn this around soon. I will still subscribe to Power Sweep until you hit under 50% there, too (on key selections). I had Notre Dame this week, too, and I feel your pain.

    Just a little pep talk from one of your fans. You're a good guy. You just need to win in college more, and soon. Good luck, Phil. far as NFL picks tomorrow, I'd take Denver!!!!
    Please don't question my record or I will leave!!!!

  • #2

    Why in the World would you take a team like Duke there a program that just sucks they cant win a game they can barley even score.. Or how about Rice. Phil i love ya but pick teams that have a chance to win the game.,


    • #3
      forget duke....why would he make Arkansas his top play of the day.....isnt there some old gambling rule when a team beats you in a game not to come back with that team the following week, or something like that b/c your not supposed to chase lost money with more money....this guy takes FLORIDA for like the 1st 5 weeks when they are laying wood to Kentucky....Miss...whoever else...and they lose SU as DD favorites.......wouldnt ya think its time to COMPLETELY forget about the Gators this season and say, its obvious i dont have a feel for this team this season...NO....he starts going AGAINST Florida....THE MINUTE they are made underdogs by vegas.....thats probably the worst time to do it as they have shown over the past 15 years or whatever, they are a very good team to back when they are DD whats Phil do....he takes LSU over Florida last week...OUTRIGHT upset winner for the gators....whats he do this week....takes Arkansas over Florida...guess what another OUTRIGHT upset winner...that wasnt even close as the final score indicated........i cant wait to see what he does in the next Florida game against Georgia.....i seriously think he's like 0-6 on or against florida this season......
      the original "HuskerFan"


      • #4
        FWIW - When you study teams, know their personnel, and are CONVINCED you understand a particular team you play them.

        Almost all handicappers do it and when it works for them they are genius's -- when it fails they are called ##@@%@$%@% names.

        NC is no exception - he feel in love with Nebraska last year and it killed his picks. He has done it somewhat for and against FL this year.

        It just shows he is human. They guy has been a winner for a long long time and is honest about results. IMO he gives it his best shot week after week what more can expect. He isnt putting out losers to cost you money and him subscribers that is for damn sure.

        Just DONT play his picks when he is FL or a team that the season shows he is out of touch with. Its pretty simple really.



        • #5
          Northcoast is so overrates its scary. Phil is a chalkeating mediocre handicapper at best. anyone whopays for his picks is a sucker.

          Yeah 365 days a year working on Football to bury his customers wake up people.


          • #6
            no, he doesnt have a feel for the Florida Gators...when you take a 14pt favorite and they win by a point...or whatever they beat Kentucky by (b/c they have the game given to them)...and you come back with them vs Miss as your top play of the day as DD favorites and they lose OUTRIGHT at home....and then go against them when they are DD underdogs...and they win outright...and then go against them AGAIN as your top play of the day...when they are 6pt underdogs and they win outright again and lead by 27 in the dont have a feel for that team..i am sorry....anything can happen in a game...we all know that...but this is week in and week out on the gators.....the gators are young and loaded with talent...its a tough team to gage b/c of their inexperience....he is completely on the other side of the tracks when the gators show up to play...and completely on the other side of the tracks when they dont show up to play...for someone with as much EXPERIENCE as Phil,....he should know not to throw more good money after bad money thats already lost......and he's done it week after week this season.....
            the original "HuskerFan"


            • #7
              I totally Agree with everybody about Phil Steele. I have been following him for the last couple of years and needless to say this will be the last year i pay for his service. he is just AWFUL in college football. His plays yesterday were so far off it was sick. Duke a 4 star pick down 49-0 at one point what a joke.:angryfire


              • #8
                I agree with Bird and others Phil's logic and handicapping is very suspect. He is a hypster with a record far below his talk just like this year. He will never win enough to cover his bloated fees.


                • #9
                  phil use to be a handicapper... all he is now is a markeet


                  • #10
                    So what does everyone think

                    of his plays today? I thought maybe we could gather some insight before the games go off?????
                    You can't drink all day if you don't start in the morning


                    • #11
                      I am taking Dallas -3 and N.O. - 2.5

                      I liked then before the NC report from Phil. Jr.

                      and liked them even mor eafter the report.

                      NC is great in NFL

                      I posted earlier on Fla being a young but talented team that would be very unpredictable, and on the unpredictablility of collegae relative to NFL football.

                      I think cappers do better on the NFL than college for this reason.

                      Thus I played very light yesterday on college, and won.

                      I am playing hard on NFL today and will probably lose. That is the way it goes with me.


                      • #12
                        phil steal

                        i live in the cleveland area and i would love to get my hands around this guys neck!! he is a fucking asshole. thank god i only bet his top play yesterday. i can't believe anyone can defend this guy at all? he is soo over-rated and the only reason there is so much discusion about him is because we are all getting burned by him week in and out. and we know the moment we get off his plays he wil start winning. well if he doesnt go 2-1 or better today he's not going to make any money next week. he lost his winning day guarantee yesterday and imo i think he loses today. dallas is a sucker bet, why are they only -3? n.o is a bad play, kurt kittner is starting, he isnt good but its a good game to stay away from. and tenn? caro is 5-0 playing good ball at home and they beat tb and indy on the road? gl to you all.


                        • #13
                          i was wrong

                          i eat my crow, looks like he's going to have a good day. but of course i don't bet any of his games, and i'm glad i didnt fade him either.


                          • #14

                            He's been solid on his NFL picks this year. If you fade anything, fade his college picks. They've been burying risk takers all year.


                            • #15
                              I'm not defending NC but if you hate him so bad, why does everybody ask for his plays? Phil is nice enough to post the plays and they are free.....Take them for that, if you don't like him don't play them, but no need to bitch and raise hell about a persons picks when they are free and you don't have to look at them. I just don't want people to stop posting plays b/c of all the bitching about a handicapper. All information is useful, take it for what it is worth... If you are so damn great w/ picking you would not be on here begging for the plays of all these people.

                              Just my opinion and not meant for anyone in particular, just a general statement....

                              THESE ARE FREE SERVICE PICKS, use them anyway you like but don't do so much bitching, if he sucks figure out if any are good and play them..

                              GLTA and thanks Bettorschat for providing this information to the great masses on this board...


