Originally posted by Chado1
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have you ever looked at the service page of some of these forums.....they are filled with plays that people are buying but they are buying them from the kind of people you are talking about..........I too was scammed when I first started and gave ATS about 5-10 thousand dollars and I lost my ass on top of that as well so I feel the same way about TOUTS as you but if/when I do decide to go the service route. I would not be the scamming, lying, and cheating scum of the earth that they are........I know you dont know me except here on this board but I am an honest person and I couldnt live with myself if I did the things that were done to me by ATS......thats why I think that the people who think they have to buy picks could use someone that would be honest and that would care if they won or lost because I would still be playing the plays that I would be giving out........I know this isnt going to change your thoughts on this situation but the service industry needs more honest people and I could be one of them. I am not saying that I am the best capper on this board or any other board but I can win at this.......I could give you other reasons on why I am thinking about doing it but I think it would just be a waste of time and you or other people would just say it was an excuse so I won't go any further......I hope this clears things up and I dont have any hard feelings to anyone here or anywhere else.......GL