Just thought I would bring up the polls we vote on. In the NC ST / Clemson game the tally so far NC ST 20 Clemson 0.
I was unsure of who to play with a lean toward the home team with Rivers. After viewing this poll it is obsius that Clemson is the play After all they went to Ga Tech and beat them by 4 TD's as a TD dog.
Wayne-Doyou keep a record of the forum picks as they fared tro the actual outcomes. Are we good or bad or somewhere between. Just Curious. What do you all think of the NC ST?Clemson game after seeing pollresult?
I was unsure of who to play with a lean toward the home team with Rivers. After viewing this poll it is obsius that Clemson is the play After all they went to Ga Tech and beat them by 4 TD's as a TD dog.
Wayne-Doyou keep a record of the forum picks as they fared tro the actual outcomes. Are we good or bad or somewhere between. Just Curious. What do you all think of the NC ST?Clemson game after seeing pollresult?