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Stock Tip

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  • Stock Tip

    I'm not a pro at picking stocks.A company called Pharmos (PARS)on the Nasdaq seems to have a new immune system drug on the fast track.I threw a couple of dimes at it this AM.It's a gamble w/ a possible big pay out in the future.
    :crazyeye: :crazyeye:
    Beavers are our furry friends.

  • #2
    Here is a good source for stock tips, go here and then click on Florida Swing Trader:


    • #3
      Thanks-I will take a look at it.
      Want a real speculation. Check out adot.
      I put some lunch money on it at slightly below $.02 a couple of days ago. Today is above $.03. Obviously you can't buy just 100 shares of a stock like this. lol.
      I just checked it;it is up to .036.
      Now I am kickig myself for not buying more;oh well 1/2 a glass is better than nothing.
      Last edited by savage1; 10-16-2003, 10:46 AM.


      • #4
        PARS is becoming overbought (price too high).

        I would wait and buy on pullbacks to lower prices.

        Be careful with ADOT - could triple or fall well below .01 - those OTC:BB are very risky.


        • #5

          We need a win this weekend, i will be in attendance with 10 of my best beer drinking friends!!! It should make for an interesting afternoon, Game time was switched to 4:15, Wow, I'll be really messed up by kickoff!! Hopefully it doesn't rain in Buffalo, Hail to the Skins!!
          There are no strangers here, just friends we haven't met yet.


          • #6
            Art-Don't worry. With the huge number of shares outstanding and with my 35 years of investing experience, I know it could collapse fast and I might sell the whoe thing today and take the money and run,
            My ex-wife has visions of grandeur with this stock(she is a novice), and I told her the same thing;with these kinds of stocks it ain't Christmas every day.
            Before internet bubble I made nice profits on some of these penny stocks but gave it all back and then some when bubble burst.


            • #7

              For the info.I really am a novice.I do like to dream of a big hit with the next hottest thing in the market.If you don't play you can't win as the lotto folks say.
              Shanks give em hell up in Buffalo!Watch out for guys named Bill.Go Skins!!!!
              :D :D
              Art and Savage may all your stocks split 10 times over.(I think that makes sense?)

              Beavers are our furry friends.


              • #8
                I have to chime in here..

                Huge red flag about stocks like ADOT. You are going to be trapped for a very very long time in this stock. It reminds me of MVEE and others that do 500 million shares a day. Eventually this one will go under. This is like betting on N.Texas to win outright over Oklahoma, it just isnt going to happen.

                I would stick with stocks that you can get in and out with, have financial footing and arent going to crush you and have no opportunity for a rebound.

                The stock I mentioned, in fact two of them in Sept have done quite well. HLIT, below 5 in Sept, I sold today at 8.70. It was a safe 50% plus hit. I bought CHTR at 3.30, is at 4.50, another 50% plus hit. I also have MRVC, bought at 2.40, now at 3.70 and yet another 50% hit. Every one of these are much safer and more sound than stocks like ADOT.

                Pick stocks that file financial statements, trade on national exchanges and have futures. Learn where stocks move to and where they settle to when they go down. Purchase on dips, using strong stocks that have a high percentage chances of bouncing back versus stocks that are 3 cents going to 0

                I do like that PARS, but not on a day like this. It would be on my list of buy when it comes back to support, sell for 10-20%.

                How about CRFH? That stock went to 23 yesterday, down to 13 today..all over the place. I love the action, but it isnt OTC:BB or PK action.

                Warning, HLIT has earnings today, I took a nice profit and would enjoy to pick her up if they have a sell off on decent earnings today.


                • #9
                  buy november 88 puts

                  This market is going to pull back and you can triple your money in two weeks.


                  • #10

                    dia- diamonds


                    • #11
                      I mean Buy nov 98 puts dia


                      • #12
                        Wallstreet-for the record I agree.
                        I put just a real tiny fraction of my money in stocks like adot for obvious reasons;it is like finding a needle in a haystack.
                        I am saying one should use very discretionary money you can afford to lsoe and very little of your relative net worth.
                        I just wanted to clarify that.
                        The bulk of your money should be in well established companies or in a managed account, mutual fund, etc.


                        • #13

                          Go out to Dec, you will thank me later. November is too short of time to get the job done.

                          Also go deep in the 1050 or 1100 puts.

                          Going too short or too close to the current market, the odds are largely against you.

                          I have done tons of options, and 99% of the time you will get taken.



                          • #14

                            I have never been good at finding the value in the strike price. Dont you think about a 10% sell off is in order though.
                            IF YOU ALWAYS WIN YOU WILL NEVER LOOSE


                            • #15

                              Nah..not a 10%. If you want that kind of return then short the Merrill baskets, that way you can target specific high beta sectors, or do research on a double beta negative mutual fund...there is a fund that double betas the QQQ's, and in my mind if anything is going down it is the Q's.

                              I would either do that or short the SMH or the BBH (semis and bio techs), it is much harder to drag the DIA's or the SPZ or whatever the symbol is this quarter on the S&P's than finding an overbought sector that falls hard during dips..I would think the Biotechs, the Semis or even better the telcos and the internets..short those babies, or find puts on those indexes..only problem is they will try to sucker you with heavy option premuims on the lesser traded indexes, but in my mind..rule 1 is to buy time and in the money. If you buy too close or too high you might as well kiss your account good bye. I could tell options stories all day, I love em, but never made money over time with em..except on covered calls..


