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Sooner D that bad

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  • Sooner D that bad

    Or is Texas that good.....I know I picked the wrong team for a big bet....
    2013-2014.... NCAA 7-6

  • #2
    Texas Off that good.....OK never really had a great D, their offense did it for em in the first 5 games......

    Neither team noted for D......IMO

    Don't make me go Cajun on your Ass!


    • #3
      I never disagree with the kapt, BUT i HAVE to on this 1. as i will agree okl is never as good as people think on D.

      senior starting middle linebacker ryan reynolds (who happens to call every defensive play including audibles) got hurt and he was replaced by a true freshman.

      they even showed a stat in the game where texas had 80 more yards in the 3rd quarter alone than they had in the whole first half.

      think about it i said the MIDDLE linebacker captain, senior, play caller OUT. where was texas throwing, running, looking..................MIDDLE. honestly can you think of a designed sideline play in the 2nd half because i can't. Everything was right at the true freshman and he got burned play after play,

      and yes i had oklahoma and to be completeley honest once i saw reynolds was out i hedged my play live at my book and just took a small loss.

