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Now that Millen is gone, Whose Next???

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  • Now that Millen is gone, Whose Next???

    "Old Man" Ford finally woke up and saw that the Lions are still mud and fired Matt. Which NFL Coach or GM will be or should be fired next???

  • #2
    Romeo or Marvin. Maybe a two for one.


    • #3
      Herm and Linehan

      How bad are the teams from MO? Will they win a combined 4 games?


      • #4
        Originally posted by Cashmoneyasians
        Romeo or Marvin. Maybe a two for one.
        If they play to a tie on Sunday they could both get canned! In all seriousness though I don't thnk Crennel is going anywhere just yet after last seasons success. I am not sure but didn't they reward him with an extension?


        • #5
          Originally posted by Dr. Winn
          I am not sure but didn't they reward him with an extension?
          An extension is quite often the kiss of death.


          • #6
            Originally posted by frankb03
            An extension is quite often the kiss of death.
            Funny how often that happens? Then again it happens to players, how often do they dominate in a contract year only to get the big time $$$ and then revert back to mediocrity? Really that is no ones fault but the management who gives out the $...

            That said of all the guys who need to move on I don't think Crennel is at the top. The way the Rams look how can Linehan not be? This is a real act of desperation in putting Trent Green in. I don't think it will 'spark' anything especially their college level defence. Bulger is a good QB and could be very good on a better team. Funny enough I don't think he has done anything since he got his big payday but I may be wrong on that so don't quote me!

            I think a lot of teams may let some coaches go especially Brad Childress should Minny miss the playoffs again after such high hopes, again. This is his last shot to do something to make the fans smile again!


            • #7
              Originally posted by frankb03
              Herm and Linehan

              How bad are the teams from MO? Will they win a combined 4 games?

              herm will not and is not near being fired.just in case you don't realize,the chiefs are rebuilding from scratch and when you do this you will not win many games and at times will look bad,buts thats all a part of learning and seeing who are the players that really want to make this team,so forget the talk about firing and just sit back and wait for 2 years and then in the 3rd year if there are no results then bring back the talk of firing but not now.
              I AM A NITWIT

