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Marc Lawrence | bio
PICK: Yankees/Red Sox UNDER Write-up
Bodog Line
Mike Lee Sports | bio - (won 28 of 37)
PICK: Pass
Doc's Sports Service | bio - (won 4 of 6)
PICK: Atlanta Falcons
Bodog Line
Mike Neri Sports | bio
PICK: Atlanta Falcons
Bodog Line
Dr. Bob Sports | bio - (won 6 of 10)
PICK: Pass
Z-Play | bio - (won 13 of 18)
PICK: Pass
Sports Unlimited | bio - (won 29 of 37)
PICK: Pass
Bryan Leonard | bio - (won 17 of 28)
PICK: Yankees/Red Sox OVER
Bodog Line
The Animal | bio - (won 7 of 11)
PICK: Boston Red Sox Write-up
Bodog Line
JB Sports | bio - (won 23 of 36)
PICK: St. Louis Rams
ATS Consultants
Any one have their picks? These guys claim to be tearing it up on their web-site. Any truth to their claims? They did do well last year on their big plays? I need a winner. Thanks, Screwed by Tampa last Monday and Green Bay yesterday!
TBDSF sucks...tell that idiot CEO-> HuskerFan says HELLO!...i tried to post Ahston's dog goy he deleted the never trailed....yesterday....i tried to post Ashtons total of the year....he deleted won....i had OCD's 5* on SF...he wont let it get posted up there.....then he claims he's looking out for his members....he's just like Sonny Palermo....sensors what he likes....
and i already gave all my buddies over there...the heads up about this site.
tell BF and BD hello for me...those guys are cool....Last edited by Intraware1; 10-13-2003, 08:32 PM.the original "HuskerFan"