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Monday In Game thread

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  • Monday In Game thread

    Let's Go Red Sox!!!!!!!!!!

    Let's Go Vikings!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • #2
    3-0 Sox!


    • #3
      Can somebody PLEASE shut Tony Kornhole up!!!!!!!!!

      How much longer can he talk about Brett Favre? Damn !!!!!!!!!


      • #4
        Originally posted by wayne1218
        Can somebody PLEASE shut Tony Kornhole up!!!!!!!!!

        How much longer can he talk about Brett Favre? Damn !!!!!!!!!
        I couldn't agree more - Kornholer sucks and I've been saying that from day one He just gets worse and worse, my god I really wish there wasn't such a delay between the radio broadcast and the tv feed !


        • #5
          Originally posted by wayne1218
          Let's Go Red Sox!!!!!!!!!!

          Let's Go Vikings!!!!!!!!!!!!
          LETS GO VIKES!!!

          BUT STAY UNDERR!!!!


          • #6
            Originally posted by drugstuntman
            I couldn't agree more - Kornholer sucks and I've been saying that from day one He just gets worse and worse, my god I really wish there wasn't such a delay between the radio broadcast and the tv feed !

            Even Jaws is getting sick of it. He has told Tony to move on 1/2 a dozen times now!


            • #7
              Why wouldn't the Packers take a shot at the endzone right before the half??? Take the safe way and the sure 3 points??? Only the get the field goal blocked... Strange coaching move.


              • #8
                I saw Kornhole tee off in front of a few hundred people in the Kemper Open Pro-Am day. He flat topped it, then tried to play it off as a joke.

                Non-athletic, uncoordinated windbag!! I hate him.
                NBA is a joke


                • #9
                  Originally posted by flarendep1
                  Non-athletic, uncoordinated windbag!! I hate him.
                  Ditto. Why does he still have a job? Everyone gets tired of his stupid shit.
                  Money won is twice as sweet as money earned.
                  ~ Paul Newman, The Color of Money


                  • #10
                    Huge flag there to negate a long TD pass!


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by flarendep1
                      I saw Kornhole tee off in front of a few hundred people in the Kemper Open Pro-Am day. He flat topped it, then tried to play it off as a joke.

                      Non-athletic, uncoordinated windbag!! I hate him.
                      nothing worse than topping your first tee shot


                      • #12
                        I had to rewind to watch that play again since ESPN didn't show the replay of the penalty. RG clearly 5 yards downfield. Inexcusable for an NFL lineman. You learn not to move beyond the line of scrimmage on pass plays in Pop Warner!!


                        • #13
                          wasnt the linemans fault, was orignally a running play that was audibled at the line to the jaws said one of those things where you outsmart yourself, no ones fault


                          • #14
                            way to stay in th epocket and wait for taylor to open up T-JACK!!

                            lets go redsox keeep this lead at 3....2nd and 3rd 2 out


                            • #15

