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Deeply Sorry Guys

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  • #16
    Murray didnt lose. Tennis is fixed.



    • #17

      Originally posted by longnex
      Murray didnt lose. Tennis is fixed.


      LMAO----I forgot about that excuse....

      Don't make me go Cajun on your Ass!


      • #18
        Come on Kapt, you gotta lose your hard on for Chado. We didn't have any of these problems when you were gone. Is it so damn wrong for him to make a statement?? Put him on ignore if he bothers you so damn much. Come on now, let's act like adults here.


        • #19

          Originally posted by kbsooner21
          Come on Kapt, you gotta lose your hard on for Chado. We didn't have any of these problems when you were gone. Is it so damn wrong for him to make a statement?? Put him on ignore if he bothers you so damn much. Come on now, let's act like adults here.
          when you start making adamant statements, re a sport, and a man's capabilities, and put it out as it is gold, and not simply IMO, or I think, but rather as etched in stone, and then give excuses, I'll question you also....

          But alas, you don't do that do give your opinion, take your losses in stride, act mature about it, and carry on....

          I have no hard on for Chado1 per say, but do have one for all people who make statements prior to a sports event as if they are almighty and never wrong, and then give excuses when they are proven wrong....

          You need to look at a bunch of Chados pungent remarks to others.....I'm merely returning to him what he puts out....

          You also say you didn't have any of these problems when I was gone, well that pretty well tells me a lot....

          Sorry I'm the trouble maker here at your site.....I'll see what I can do to rectify that for ya....

          Open your eyes KB---see both sides.....

          Enjoy your troublefree site and the Chados in it....

          And I repeat----when and if you get that cocky, and start making excuses as he does, I'll reply to you and anyone else I see it.....

          Don't make me go Cajun on your Ass!


          • #20
            Good enough and it's not "my" site. I know I'm not the only one that is sick of you riding him around like a cheap whore. There are better thing to worry about then your perception of Chado's attitude is all. Good luck!


            • #21

              Originally posted by kbsooner21
              Good enough and it's not "my" site.

              I know I'm not the only one that is sick of you riding him around like a cheap whore.

              There are better thing to worry about then your perception of Chado's attitude is all. Good luck!
              good luck to you and the members also KB.....

              I think I've heard this enough....

              I know I'm not the only one that is sick of you riding him around like a cheap whore.

              You say you had no problems while I was gone, so lets say I'm hard headed, but at least mature enough to realize I'm the trouble maker here....

              I bid you, the others who also believe what you just printed ----ADIEU.....

              GL to all----I'm OUT.........had enough.....kaptain

              I'm gonna follow your suggestion, and put the entire SITE on IGNORE...........

              ENJOYED IT---well, 98 % of it.....

              Don't make me go Cajun on your Ass!


              • #22
                Kapt, if you are inferring I want to run you off you are gravely mistaken. There is just better things to do then ride Chado's ass over every comment he makes. You are an adult and can make your own decisions, so if you want to leave the board, so be it. I for one, think you bring great input and do not want you to leave one bit. You've won me a bunch of coin playing your picks and I guess that's what I'm saying is let's worry about games, not Chado's comments. If I was behaving like this, I would want someone to bring it to my attention so I could correct it. Pretty childish acting to me though and that's why I was hesitant to even post what I did, but to each his own. I wish you nothing but the best.

