also...fuck jeff kent. "vin scully talks to much" ??? he's the dodgers broadcaster, its his job! kent is just bitter because he finallly got a string of hits together, and everyone is crediting manny ramirez for jeff kents hits.....THATS BASEBALL JEFF! WHEN YOU HAVE A HALL OF FAME BAT HITTING BEHIND YOU, PITCHERS WILLL THROW FASTBALLS SO THAT THEY DONT WALK YOUR ASS TO GET TO THE HALL OF FAMER........KENT YOU MUST'VE FORGOTTTEN THAT BARRY BONDS FELLOW THAT YOU HIT IN FRONT OF DURING THE MOST SUCCESSFUL YEARS IN YOUR CAREER... im so sick of this fuckin asshole kent always looks like he has a stick up his ass while guys like manny, martin, kemp are out there having fun enjoying the game...
I rather listen to Vin Scully call a game. Then have to listen to the dumb ass bastards that call the White Sox game. I watce in mute because I cant stand Ken And D.J
I defy any one who has followed baseball for at least 10 years and has heard all of the different announcers, to name someone better than Scully.
Damn right fuck Jeff Kent and his stupid old wrinkled up old ass that thinks he is better then every one else. I like to feed the stupid motherfucker a big shit sandwich.
Damn right fuck Jeff Kent and his stupid old wrinkled up old ass that thinks he is better then every one else. I like to feed the stupid motherfucker a big shit sandwich.
Maybe Herbie could take of his non nookie business in his face also.