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Happy Birthday ULikeApples!

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  • Happy Birthday ULikeApples!

    This is a really good guy named Seth and he really deserves a nice pick me up on his B-Day today. I hope he is not mad at me for saying this but he and his wife suffered a tragedy when they lost a child recently. He hasn't been here in over a month but i have talked to him through email. They are getting through it and BC has taken a backseat for now. He says he will be back but i wanted to make sure that his BC family knew and could wish him a good B-day!

    Have a good day buddy and enjoy some time with the family!

  • #2
    Happy Birthday Buddy. My deepest sympathies to you and your wife. Wish you nothing but the best and my prayers go out to you.


    • #3

      Sorry to hear about your child.

      God Bless


      • #4
        Originally posted by wayne1218
        I hope he is not mad at me for saying this but he and his wife suffered a tragedy when they lost a child recently.
        OMG!!!! That is horrible news. I can think of nothing worse than the thought of losing one of my daughters.



        • #5
          I cant imagine what you are going thru. God bless you


          • #6
            Thanks a ton Wayne! No worries about mentioning anything. Days are good and bad still. Today has truthfully been more sad than anything, but thanks alot.

            I'll definitely be back for football and in some contests again. Distractions are definitely good!! I hope everyone is doing well. Good luck too!

            2010 NCAA Football: 4-3-1

            2010 NFL: 0-0

            2009-2010 NCAA Basketball: 30-23-1


            • #7
              Sorry to hear the tragic news man. God bless. Hope you have a wonderful birthday!


              • #8
                I am very sorry to hear about the loss of your child. My deepest condolensces go out to you and your family. Take care!!!
                SOBER SINCE MARCH 28TH OF 2007!!!


                • #9
                  I echo everything that by brothers here have said. Hope you and your wife are fighting thru this and are blessed in the future. Keep on living, and offer each day up for your lost one. Take care.
                  NBA is a joke


                  • #10
                    I talk to Seth every day. He is a good man! I just talked to Seth and he just did a few shots for his birthday!! Enjoy my man!


                    • #11
                      Thanks again guys. I took it easy mostly, but a couple shots won't hurt, haha. I hope everyone is killing the books!

                      2010 NCAA Football: 4-3-1

                      2010 NFL: 0-0

                      2009-2010 NCAA Basketball: 30-23-1


                      • #12
                        Very sad news...and I'm very sorry to hear that.

                        Take Care man!
                        It's always noon somewhere!

                        My Fish and Aquariums

                        Griffey's Posted Record


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by ULikeApples
                          Thanks again guys. I took it easy mostly, but a couple shots won't hurt, haha. I hope everyone is killing the books!
                          Sorry to hear about your loss man..I'll say an extra prayer for you tonight.

                          Happy B-day!

