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Explain This Please

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  • Explain This Please

    Spurs down 2 with 26 secs left and they don't foul?

  • #2
    well they still down to w. ball and chance to win----watch for horry
    edification will take place pull up the reins and get outta the race.


    • #3
      Originally posted by live jive
      well they still down to w. ball and chance to win----watch for horry
      And they have 2 secs left...I don't understand the logic...LA could've held the ball and SA would have 2 secs left...doesn't make sense to me


      • #4
        I agree, foul for sure. What a bad shot attempt there at the end by Barry. Lakers will beat Detroit or Boston in the finals IMO.
        NBA is a joke


        • #5
          Originally posted by flarendep1
          I agree, foul for sure. What a bad shot attempt there at the end by Barry. Lakers will beat Detroit or Boston in the finals IMO.
          Of course they's 8 on 5 when you throw in the refs


          • #6
            Originally posted by flarendep1
            I agree, foul for sure. What a bad shot attempt there at the end by Barry. Lakers will beat Detroit or Boston in the finals IMO.
            yep, Fakers over tha Pistones in tha Finals! IMO!


            • #7
              I think the NBA wants a Laker/Celtic series, maybe Boston will get some calls tomorrow!
              Nothing is as far away as one minute ago.


              • #8
                Friggan Barkley, refs are sensitive......LMAO!
                Nothing is as far away as one minute ago.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by NEJAKE
                  I think the NBA wants a Laker/Celtic series, maybe Boston will get some calls tomorrow!
                  Hell yea they do


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by LVJimmy
                    Hell yea they do
                    I do to, just hope Boston gets their shit together.
                    Nothing is as far away as one minute ago.


                    • #11
                      Easy to call a foul on the floor there and give Barry the chance to tie it up for OT imo. Not saying it's fixed, but not ruling out someone wants the Lakers in the finals


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by kbsooner21
                        Easy to call a foul on the floor there and give Barry the chance to tie it up for OT imo. Not saying it's fixed, but not ruling out someone wants the Lakers in the finals
                        I don't understand why the Spurs didn't foul...they were down 2 with 26 secs left...technically speaking, LA could've shot with 1 sec left on the shot clock (3 secs left on the game clock) and by the time the reound was gathered (if at all by SA), they would've had what, possibly 1.5 secs left...very iffy clock management if you asked me.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by LVJimmy
                          I don't understand why the Spurs didn't foul...they were down 2 with 26 secs left...technically speaking, LA could've shot with 1 sec left on the shot clock (3 secs left on the game clock) and by the time the reound was gathered (if at all by SA), they would've had what, possibly 1.5 secs left...very iffy clock management if you asked me.
                          Coaches, atleast most of them are idiots when it comes to clock management. Most of them need someone on the sidelines with them just managing the clock or the point gaurd needs to be responsible.

                          Same thing in pro football.....they are retarded when it comes to clock management and reason I get all the time is they are thinking of so many things at once is the clock is last on their list



                          • #14
                            i hear ya was screaming for a foul myself had the ovr huge
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