Originally posted by bearman
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MLB High/Low Challenge Week 7 (May 17/May18)
Week 7 Results
bryce = +26 -3
longnex = +25 -1
BadgerJoe = +24 -2
meaiken = +18 +1
MtrCtyPimp = +18 -5 *No Picks*
Reno Gambler = +18 +5
bearman = +17 -1
birdog = +16 -3
NEJAKE = +14 +2
BearDown = +12 +1
kbsooner21 = +11 -5 *No Picks*
blitz = +10 -2
checkers = +9 +0
The Game = +9 -3
zeib10 = +7 +1
BillMill71 = +6 -4
weazel079 = +5 +0
BigWeiner = +4 +9
ctt8410 = +3 +1
*The Lovedoc = +1 -3
wayne1218 = +0 +2
tinman666 = -2 +5
FB Coach13 = -2 +3
Dat Boi E = -3 -2
xstac2169 = -8 -2
SACPAC = -8 -1
*Irish fan = -9 -2
* Three Jack = -9 *No Picks* ELIMINATED
tdtylert = -9 -5 *No Picks*
celtics72 = -14 +2
If I made a mistake, please point it out to me. If your name is not on the list, you didn't make picks last week and are eliminated from the contest.
Cappers with their *name* in astericks, have missed a week of picks and will be disqualified for missing another week. If your name is erased from the list, you have been eliminated for missing 2 weeks of picks.
Good luck!Last edited by kbsooner21; 05-23-2008, 12:02 PM.
Standings After Week 7
longnex = +24
bryce = +23
Reno Gambler = +23
BadgerJoe = +22
meaiken = +19
bearman = +16
NEJAKE = +16
MtrCtyPimp = +13
birdog = +13
BearDown = +13
BigWeiner = +13
checkers = +9
blitz = +8
zeib10 = +8
kbsooner21 = +6
The Game = +6
weazel079 = +5
ctt8410 = +4
tinman666 = +3
BillMill71 = +2
wayne1218 = +2
FB Coach13 = +1
*The Lovedoc = -2
Dat Boi E = -5
xstac2169 = -10
*Irish fan = -11
celtics72 = -12
tdtylert = -14
If I made a mistake, please point it out to me. If your name is not on the list, you didn't make picks last week and are eliminated from the contest.
Cappers with their *name* in astericks, have missed a week of picks and will be disqualified for missing another week. If your name is erased from the list, you have been eliminated for missing 2 weeks of picks.
Good luck!