711 San Antonio +4 -110
OVER 201 -110
Reg plays.....................................1*
951 Braves -125............................................... ...3* POD
953 Phillies -140.......................................2*
OVER 9 -110.................................1*
955 Cubbies -125...........................1*
959 Houston +120..........................1*
961/962 Az/SD OVER 6 1/2 -110.................2*
965 Colorado +100.........................1*
969/970 Bost/T Bay OVER 8 1/2 -105 1*
973 Toronto +105...........................1*
978 Seattle -145............................................... .3* POD
NHL Playoffs 9-3 so far
56 Pitts -140...........................................2*
57 Dallas +145........................................2*
57/58 Dal/San Jose OVER 5 + 105......1*
gl to all----lock and load---see ya later...
711 San Antonio +4 -110
OVER 201 -110
Reg plays.....................................1*
951 Braves -125............................................... ...3* POD
953 Phillies -140.......................................2*
OVER 9 -110.................................1*
955 Cubbies -125...........................1*
959 Houston +120..........................1*
961/962 Az/SD OVER 6 1/2 -110.................2*
965 Colorado +100.........................1*
969/970 Bost/T Bay OVER 8 1/2 -105 1*
973 Toronto +105...........................1*
978 Seattle -145............................................... .3* POD
NHL Playoffs 9-3 so far
56 Pitts -140...........................................2*
57 Dallas +145........................................2*
57/58 Dal/San Jose OVER 5 + 105......1*
gl to all----lock and load---see ya later...