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Board Question

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  • Board Question

    As a visitor here for years now. I am posting this below statement looking for
    Advice from the board as to what you guys think.

    My business partner and I decided to purchase a service package from
    Cover experts for Dave Malinsky sports last year. I have long believed that Malinsky is a honest and good guy in the industry. For many years I listened to his college football analysis on the old Stardust line out of Las Vegas ( now defunct ).
    Every day Malinsky posts his picks with an analysis. Well to make a long story shorter, at the start of baseball season last year he was horrid, I mean horrid. So when May 15th came around I took the rest of the summer off to save the bankroll. I watched his web site every day and kept hearing how well he was doing and what a great baseball season it was. So, I decided to start back up and keep a spreadsheet of every play, every day, the
    Ratings, totals. This spread sheet started in Late August of 2007 and I converted it to excel starting October 2007.

    Well I paid our monies for the Subscription to cover the entire football season and all picks in other sports as well basically everything he has every day.

    He had a bad football season, bad college basket season and the spread sheet showed he was down 68.6 units as of December 31, 2007.

    Cover experts ( without asking ) gave an additional 30 days of free selections, every Sunday night I send them the updated spreadsheet. The losses and negative results kept coming in and once again they gave me free time 42days covering march madness through the championship game. All I wanted was them to be able to get me into the plus and make up for the horrible run.

    Well, Malinsky had a horrible run in the tournament and now as of April 07….end of the extension ( NCAA Champ Game ) the spread sheet now has Malinksy -100 units from Mid August 2007-April 8th 2008 in all sports.

    Cover experts has not followed through with there promise, nor has replied to any of my
    Correspondences in the past week.

    Malinsky has stuck me over 25,000 dollars.

    Any recommendations from the board as to what one might do next ? Am I wrong in expecting them to live up to there mission statement ?

    Thanks for taking time to read, I will be interested in your replies
    Thank you Joe
    ALNY the stock to retire on.

  • #2
    really hate to hear this man.I can promise you that you will get better advice here for free than anywhere else.
    MLB 2012***100-98 +$215 OR +2.15 UNITS
    HUGE PLAYS 2-1

    NFL 2011-2012** 6-10
    0-0TOP PLAYS

    NCAA FBL 2011-2012**** 26-23

    4-1 TOP PLAYS

    GOY 33-12 ALL SPORTS

    AS of 6/3/12


    • #3
      One of my old Service pal's .. besides what you just wrote, Hope things are going well for you Joey ...

      Great seeing You


      • #4
        That Loser's Picks are posted for free every day at
        *******.. Fade His Ass and hope you get some of
        your money back! That Loser is a Leopard who can't
        Change his Spots... FADE!!!


        I was Born my Pappy's Son,
        When I hit the ground, I was on the Run!
        Jon E. Checkers


        • #5

          Hey Spark,

          Long time......

          my business has been booming, last 2.5 years just incredible.

          thats why this malinsky thing bothers me so bad. If i did that to my customers ( not reply ) i wouldnt have my business.

          in trying to work with someone i thought was top notch its been frustrating since i dont have the time any more to track and do all the work....

          Hell i havent been here in god knows how long....but i am interested in hearing what people think about it.

          for me its a principle issue thats all, Im well to do financially, so the money isnt the biggest issue...

          just pisses me off LOL

          glad to see you and hope all is well.....
          my buddy got his game tonight off the net

          his 6* is boston red sox, 4* on wsox, fla-wash over, and 76'ers..

          sad thing he is hitting 35-16 on his 6* plays since jan o1 this year....cant win anything else... !!

          i will be around more during football..

          ALNY the stock to retire on.


          • #6

            can you email me the site they are posted at so i can keep the spread sheet running


            Last edited by wayne1218; 04-09-2008, 09:28 PM.
            ALNY the stock to retire on.


            • #7
              No disrespect intended. What I don't understand. You've been a member at BC for 6 years. What possessed you to pay for a service?


              • #8
                Joey, DO NOT post emails on this site.


                • #9


                  Im so damn busy i am on the road so much its easy to open a link and play the games while on the road.

                  I met malinsky in vegas when he was doing the stardust line and enjoyed his insite. I listened for years to him and still believe he is one of the best minds in sports out there.

                  He has been in a horrible slump and i have it documented.

                  no other reason...

                  i love the guys here, its just so hard to find time to visit to see what everyone is doing now that i am on the road 14 hours a day !!

                  ALNY the stock to retire on.


                  • #10
                    I get hiz piks free everyday-not that i usre them-never,and i mean never pay for sers

                    service plays


                    • #11
                      Hi Wayne


                      forgot the rule its been a while

                      how are you

                      ALNY the stock to retire on.


                      • #12
                        Good Joey and thanks.


                        • #13
                          Find out who and where he does his buisness and trash his name the best you can
                          THINK BLUE


                          • #14
                            As hard as it might be, chalk it up as a tough lesson learned.

                            The faster you can move on, the better. Try to share your experience with others so they won't make the same mistake.

                            Sorry Joey, but that would be my advice


                            • #15
                              Thanks for the replies guys

                              its interesting to see everyones input.

                              the money's paid is not a great sum

                              the 25k lost is a good sum but i dont hurt for money so it just irks me the integrity part of it.

                              but i did want to make mention of it and see everyones responses, I am doing my best to get the word out to as many sites as i can but i dont remember all of them anymore since im so busy all the time...

                              Good luck to all.... and thanks for the input

                              ALNY the stock to retire on.

