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  • A SECOND SPECIAL SITUATION PLAY TODAY -- first time this year

    I just saw this news release that was released just two hours ago. This is a bad situation for Long Beach State.


    I don't see anyway Long Beach State will be able to concentrate and play a good basketball game tonight. The line has only moved from Long Beach -1 to +1. Also Long Beach is on a five game losing streak and Cal Poly just has to win to cover.


    Here is the full story if you want more info.

    LONG BEACH, Calif. (AP)—The NCAA imposed stiff penalties on the Long Beach State men’s basketball program on Thursday, including some sanctions that were self-imposed by the university.

    Penalties against the 49ers include three years’ probation, forfeiting their 18 victories from the 2005-2006 season, reduced recruiting and fewer scholarships. The limited probation will allow the 49ers basketball team to participate in postseason play.

    The case involved improper benefits, improper transportation and phone contacts, unethical conduct by members of the coaching staff and a failure to appropriately monitor the program by the school or the former head coach, the NCAA said Thursday.

    The violations by members of the coaching staff occurred between August 2004 and the end of August 2005, according to the NCAA.

    Larry Reynolds was the head coach at that time. His contract was not renewed after last season despite a 24-8 record, a Big West Conference championship and a spot in the NCAA tournament. The 49ers lost to Tennessee 121-86 in the first round.

    The report by the NCAA Division I committee on infractions said Reynolds’ coaching assistants committed rules violations and that he did not properly monitor their conduct.

    Dan Monson was hired last April to replace Reynolds. Monson had quit as the Minnesota coach after a 2-5 start to the 2006-2007 season. The 49ers are 6-22 overall and 3-11 in the Big West Conference this season.

    According to the NCAA, Long Beach State’s 2005-06 recruiting class included six two-year college transfers and none were eligible for admission to the university or its athletics program.

    “Beginning in May 2005, with the knowledge, encouragement and assistance of the coaches, the young men took additional classes, including correspondence courses, at various institutions. Some of the young men needed as many as nine hours in a short period of time to meet academic requirements,” according to the infractions committee report.

    “The violations committed by two former assistant coaches and the former administrative assistant included paying or arranging for payment to register some or all of the six two-year college transfers in classes, paying or arranging for payment of fees so that transcripts of the transfers’ coursework could be obtained, providing impermissible tutoring and transportation, as well as making impermissible phone calls.”

    Long Beach State athletic director Vic Cegles said the school began its own investigation when the possibility of rules violations arose in October 2006. He noted that the involved coaching staff member was immediately suspended, and two student-athletes were withheld from competition.

    The university also imposed its sanctions on the men’s basketball program before meeting with the NCAA.

    The probation will run through March 5, 2011. Among other sanctions, some imposed by Long Beach State and approved by the NCAA are: the school will not bring in junior college transfers during the probation period; men’s basketball scholarships will be reduced from 13 to 12 for two years.

  • #2
    Thanks for the 411
    You can't always get what you want, but if you try some time, you might find, you get what you need.


    • #3
      i'm down! Let' do this! good luck, Sandy!


      • #4
        Players dont care about sanctions man....its not like they are a tournament team and they were just told to stay home......if LB St loses tonight its because they stink.....not because they cant think about basketball because of sanctions and forfeited wins from 3 years ago



        • #5
          I was actually thinking the same thing, Pimp. There may, however, be a difference from a coaching perspective. It could definitely be a distraction for the coaches. good luck, Sandman.


          • #6
            Maybe Pimp, but if I played there and wasn't a senior, I would wonder about my scholarship. Someone is going to lose one. I would also care about next year and not being able to add JC transfers, which is where Long Beach gets most of their players. Any hope for a better team the next two years is pretty much gone. But if they stink enough to lose no matter what tonight, I ain't proud, I'll take the money either way.


            • #7
              Cal Poly 68 Long Beach 62

              FINAL US 68 THEM 62

              Thankfully this worked out the way it should to make up for my other situation play, DALLAS who were so bad, even having Dirk would not have helped.

              Tonights Plays 1-1
              Special Situation Plays Season to Date 14-8


              • #8
                thnx for tha Cal Poly W!

