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Election 2008 Prop odds

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  • Election 2008 Prop odds

    No matter what your affiliation or preference, there is money to be made in this election, and we degenerate sports bettors have an opportunity here in this history-making vote.

    At ( and I am not a member) there are these odds on the Winner for President:

    Obama 2:3
    Clinton 4:1
    McCain 7:5

    Seems to me like Clinton is a pretty good value, especially now with two states (Fla and Mich) likely to have a "do-over." This is a weird year, with a lot of time left, but it seems to me that in a race this close, getting 4:1 is pretty good odds. $200 to win $800 is a lot smarter bet than many others I have made.

    If you want to bet on just the Democratic nominee, You get:

    Clinton @ 2:1
    or Obama @ 1:3

    Seems to me that Obama has a lot better chance of defeating the GOP than the hated Clinton.

    In the Rep v Dem race , the odds are:

    Democrat @ 1:2
    Republican @ 3:2

    For your perusal and discussion.
    You can't always get what you want, but if you try some time, you might find, you get what you need.

  • #2
    thanks GrandPa----I have perused.....not only that, I read (examined) it very carefully......appreciate it

    Don't make me go Cajun on your Ass!


    • #3
      If this "do-over" thing becomes a reality, expect the lines to drop drastically, meaning the futures value bet time is NOW
      You can't always get what you want, but if you try some time, you might find, you get what you need.

