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Who really is sick?

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  • Who really is sick?


    The sick individual (yourself) would be the one who bashes and bashes ***, but yet you found a way to get on the email list....Why did you scam your way to get on the email list? Does that mean you had more than one handle here? And does that mean you decieved me to get on the list? Remember to get on my email list you had to ask to be put on it...and you're on it...So I ask the board who is the scammer? The one who has been giving FREE plays for over a year...or the one who came in here with his quoted 88% guaranteed plays(Wizard) and when they all lost went a different route...and then Wizard you thought it was so easy, all you had to do was fade plays and then you kept losing...Cause what you dont understand is you gotta know when to fade and when not to fade....HELLO THIS JUST IN- the public wins and wins A LOT!!!!That's why Vegas and the experts laugh...They weed out the public, the faders, and YES even the bookies....and Vegas is ALWAYS the last one standing cause they believe in a little something called education....I also ask how is Wayne able to get my emails and why does he have the interest in them? If he is a moderator why is he REPOSTING my emails? Is that not stirring up the pot?

    Face you guys all do this cause you're all most likely junkies...and you guys have met someone who knows what theyre doing and for some reason you guys hate this guy who wins so consistently....and you guys hate the confidence

    And no its not so easy as Joe Money tries to mislead you guys by fading...thats why I told every fader to play the Steelers not the Bengals...Get real this is Vegas...There is NOT ONE FORMULA to beat the experts...You simply cant beat them...Everyone knows about going with the the public and everyone knows about fading...If either one worked so great, how come 90% of gamblers continue to lose...You have to know when to go with the public and when not to go with the public....Most importantly you have to have respect for you hard earned money and don't gamble for the sake of gambling....Remember-addicts are the ones who have the problems

    So, again I ask why would a moderator or Wizard find their way to get on my email list and why would they repost it here...So who on record as of right now has proven to deceive others?

    Boys, you have no idea and I mean NO idea who I am...Who Im involved with...What kind of education I have......Thats why 99% of you hide behind computer screens when I know I am one of the most targeted people out there, but willing to meet ANYONE of you anytime, any place....and SHOW you what I do, why I do, and how I do as best as I can

    Do any of you guys know anything about poker? Most just think its pure luck...Funny its ALWAYS the same top 5 people winning the championships....Give me three hours of hanging out with you and I bet I can turn you into a decent poker player (and I dont even get involved with table games)......So quit being deceitful...Quit guessing who I am and how I play, and be friendly and learn...If you dont think you need to learn, then its your stupid ass ego willing to hurt yourself and family just for your stubbornness...By the way- eventually MANY of you some day without meeting me will find out who *** is....and Im sure some are trying to find out my family background already that have info on me....All I can say if you guys ever need advice give me a shout...and if you really have patience and children then I highly encourage all of you to get a portfolio stratagist....Wealth grows in the financial markets and that has been a family forte of mine.

    Long live the ******...Long live CNBC

  • #2
    ***, private message me with your email so i can get on the list please.


    • #3
      ***, I just look for good info, got room for one more on the list?? Dont like all this extra Bullshit to if possible Thanks........jc


      • #4
        blah blah blah blah


        • #5
          i haven't been around here long but i've never seen anyone get so much attention. *** must be doing something right to explain that. ***, i saw where you said you are in florida at times. what part?


          • #6

            how can we get your email?Always looked for your picks.No body is perfect but you are one hell of a winner when it comes to football.Somehow let the ones that follow you and don't bash you know where we can find your picks at.Keep the good picking coming and don't let all the ones that don't want to win money push you out or stop you from posting when you want to.Would really like to get on your email list.Ask moderator for my email


            • #7
              On your list?

              You are a very sick individual. I wouldn't waste my time with your list, don't try to pat yourself on the back. If you only knew how many on your list think you are a total asshole you would be amazed. FACE IT ASSHOLE, you have really been exposed now. If you could see how many people sent me shit about you, you'd crawl back under the rock you came from. No one really cares who you are, you are the SCAM and I repeat, you have been exposed.
              Why would anyone want to meet you? Who are you? No one really cares!!!!!! You think you are something that you are not.


              • #8
                just sht the fuck up wizard you are the most annoying prik in the world. just because you are losjg money doesnt mean you have to lash out at others. keep your god dam opinions to yourself cause most people dont give a shit

