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Moss pal needs cash

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  • Moss pal needs cash

    Boston Herald

    Money woes haunt Moss pal

    She hasn’t been able to pay her rent

    Saturday, January 19, 2008

    FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. - The mysterious Florida woman Patriots [team stats] superstar receiver Randy Moss alleges threatened to go public with what he claims are bogus abuse charges unless he gave her $500,000 has a history of financial desperation, the Herald has learned.

    Three separate landlords have attempted to kick Rachelle Washington, 35, to the curb over non-payment of rent - as recently as last month, according to sources and Broward County court records obtained by the Herald.

    The woman from whom Washington rents her current condominium in Fort Lauderdale, where she claims Moss, 30, injured her physically and mentally with “reckless and degrading conduct” on Jan. 6, last month served her a three-day notice to pay up or get out, sources told the Herald, but Washington came up with the money in time to remain a tenant.

    In December 2002, an exasperated Giovanna Pipia, owner of the Town View Apartments in Hollywood, initiated formal tenant eviction proceedings against Washington, whom she claimed was in arrears for $990 on her $190-per-week rent and utilities.

    “I have been as understanding as humanly possible, but I have my own commitments and responsibilities regarding running my apartment complex,” Pipia wrote Broward County Judge Sharon L. Zeller in a Sept. 11, 2002, letter.

    “I cannot pay bills and mortgages on just words and promises,” Pipia wrote. “I am only asking that she pays what is due in order to remain at Town View Apartments.”

    At the time, Washington had applied for and received financial aid from the county to help her with a portion of her rent, according to information in court records.

    Hoping to stay her eviction, Washington wrote the court saying she had begun work at a boutique and had asked her sister to move in to help defray expenses.

    In June 2005 Felicia Albu, manager of the Monroe Apartments in Hollywood, served Washington a tenant eviction notice, complaining in court records that Washington was delinquent for a little more than $700 back rent.

    Both cases were ultimately dismissed for lack of prosecution.

    Attempts to reach Washington at her Fort Lauderdale home have been unsuccessful. Her lawyer has not responded to requests for comment.

    Moss, meanwhile, is expected to request a continuance of his Jan. 28 court hearing in Fort Lauderdale to answer the temporary restraining order Washington obtained against him this week accusing him of dating violence.

    His attorney, Richard Sharpstein, said Moss has not yet been served the restraining order, but “I as his attorney, will appear and agree to continue the restraining order until he can appear.”

    Despite Washington’s claim that Moss owns firearms, Sharpstein said Moss has not turned over any guns. “Technically, until I appear, he is not subject to the court’s jurisdiction, but that’s just a technicality. He is 2,500 miles from her.”

  • #2
    if they have been friends for 11 years, she could have easily just said "I'm really in a bad spot - is there any way you can help me out with a job?" She could have cleaned his house, walked his dogs, etc. - but instead she probably got some shyster lawyer whispering in her ear that she could pull off a big scam for a big payday. In the end, Randy will probably have to cut a check of some sort anyway.


    • #3
      I wonder what she looks like.
      Am I the longest tenured BC member?


      • #4
        Originally posted by zeib10
        I wonder what she looks like.

        Nothing special ...

