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your sick friend ***

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  • your sick friend ***

    You tell me this isn't one sick person.
    This is a copy of an e-mail he is sending.

    "First did everyone get Lions (Loser)

    2nd-did everyone get Zona (HUMUNGOUS WINNER...It was such a sure thing
    I went
    to BC to go post it there for myself just to let them know how good I
    am...I wouldnt come in and post a 20X and lose...I got the moneyline at
    Lambeau field)

    3rd- I wasnt able to get the emails sent for the Dolphines 8X play but
    everyone get it in?

    Now I am VERY hesitant to give out any forum names as I am scared some
    of you
    may fall for scammers there and hangout there...However, keep this note

    ***I am very busy before game times and ANYTIME you dont recieve an
    email go
    to and my plays will be posted by either
    Eieo35,predator, or
    OSU-BUCKS...if they are posted by anyone else it is total false plsu
    see that you would have had email sent to you guys

    I know what Im doing in this business and ONLY lost ONE football game
    week(Lions) and it took a miracle to beat me

    So, the reason Im hesitant of telling you guys to go to the forums is
    theyre great scammers there that will try to sway some of you as the
    LIE AND LIE...For example ************ posted there that I gave out 3
    today via email when everyone of you know I emailed only two plays ALL
    Detroit and Zona....and my Miami play was via the forum

    So, you have to respect me and ONLY go to the forums if you DONT
    recieve any
    emails with plays..This will usually be rare but itll happen...and ONLY
    BUCKS, Predator, and Eieo CAN post my plays...Anyone else would be a
    false post

    I just had to post the Zona play myself there today just to show them
    difference between experts and gamblers

    So, to those of you who dont follow me exactly as I say- I WILL vut you

    Im not here for ego games and getting a high off gambling

    And to those who missed any of the above 3 games today- PLEASE email
    if I sense trust and seriousness in you- I WILL have the picks called
    for you
    or figure something out....But, EVERYONE should have had Lions and Zona
    email and Dolphins via

    So show me respect and only hangout at if you dont get
    emails from me....and like I said if still you have a hard time getting
    cause lack of computer access, server to slow for emails, etc- we'll
    try tp
    figure something out

    But, Im not Mother Teresa nor am I gonna put that front...If you want
    plays you have to "want" them and do what you have to do with them

    Im cutting my email list as minimal as possible where I can only have
    selected serious ones that finally realize this is a great way to make
    make money every year...and they realize I am their sports advisor like
    financial analyst...This is FOR SERIOUS INCOME OPPORTUNITIES...If you
    do this for
    fun and the high- PLEASE lose my email

    So we picked up another 17 units which brings football for the week
    over 50 and to think that we couldnt get in winners in last night with
    communication problems

    I DONT LOSE and I DONT do this for fun

    Take the MONEY not the high

    But, everyone respons who continues to have problems missing plays and
    see what we can do

    But, remember is where ill post if I cant get emails out

    And show some balls and defend me and tell Wizard what a liar he is for
    posting false records today as he said to the board I posted three
    early losers and
    only hit Zona...Only YOU guys know the truth as we went 2-1 cause you
    get the emails...Thats why forums are scammers...They can lie about
    they want

    Its not just Wizard- a lot of those guys are paid bashers tha wanna run
    off boards since I wont join into their pay services they wanna
    build...and they
    know with my syccess and popularity they can make a bundle...So BE

    and most of these guys try to steal my plays by setting up nice
    followers to
    chat with me and ask me for early "leans"

    They have NO idea who I am and thats why I am the ONLY guy who WILL
    meet anyone who wants to meet me and Ive already met some of
    you....Good luck
    and show more support"

    Now if you don't think this is one sick indivudal

  • #2
    Here's another email where he begs people to "Defend" him

    From ***,

    Just informing the email troubles have been due to trying to filter out a lot of bad apples
    Its funny, the bashers who bash me; make up all these new emails telling me theyve been a long time follwer and want my picks....I beg and trust you all never EVER to forward my email to anyone who might be interested unless you ask me first
    Im NOT sports service and not looking for clients...So please respect that...If you have friends, etc that might need some help just let me know first
    But, I DO NOT want anyone who was a total two face hypocrite recieving these picks anymore
    The truth is, these picks whether they win or lose come to fruition from great resources...The best and ill buck that up to anyone...The team I have 2gether and the ability to find winners are priceless...and no longer do I think scums deserve these picks
    Also, I see the over 15 sports services have found my email address...Theres no way that can happen unless there is a leak on the email list...I do not want to bust my ass off to get winners and see sports services stealing plays
    But, be patient Im still in the process of filtering out many people from the list...Im even going to filter out people who constantly to my face love me, but never ever did they defend me on the boards just to fit in...A gambler has to have a back bone to survive and I dont want to associate with spineless people...As a matter of fact these people would actually make negative comments about me just to be part of the "in crowd"...but, they would use my plays to make money
    As for the picks...Well first week of football and we won both days...Not bad...Today we picked up about 8 units which is actually a very good day, but most know a 7-4 day for me is actually not to impressive...I promise itll get better and better and it WILL be taking candy from a baby
    Only thing I ask of you guys is to be patient cause football is FOUR months...No need to hit the jack pot right away...We just want to accumulate each week
    Also, the forum has offered me my own page so people can view my plays...Obviously, its a business decision for him...I do appreciate it a lot from him and the fact he acknowledged that I helped bring in a lot of people there...I will be thinking this over very carefully...Because I no longer want anyone to have access to my plays but the selected email I am developing
    Also there are very sharp scam artists out there trying to make a buc from my name...Please ignore all the copy cats...Ive seen tons of different *** emails BUT this is the ONLY one I EVER use to send picks...Last year it was different but this is the ONLY one
    But, now a lot of copy cats know this is their time to shine in the forums without me being there...If they can help-AWESOME!!!!....But, just be careful...Thats all....Some of these guys are learning a little about fading, but what they dont understand is that faders win 50% of the time and the public wins 50% of the time...You have to know when the public will win and you have to know when the faders will win...But, these copy cats will come in and act as if they have real ex line setters or what ever like I do and pretend theyre getting good info...When in fact these amateur guys are simply fading free websites and coming back to the forums posting...Be very careful of that method...Because people on free websites dont bet with real money and usually select the opposite of what theyre really gonna bet just so they can either win in the real world or the website world....Now I read comments since Im gone that certain cappers claiming they can hit 70%, etc...Theyve been proven for years
    You guys have followed long enough to know who is good and who is not...Ive posted plays for over a year now and to this day NO ONE can point one football week where I got creamed...Cause it NEVER happened
    So, please have a bank roll and figure out how you can afford to lose and still have the bank roll to get it all back and make money...Cause of course theyll be losing days, but you have to be around for the majority of the winning days...So, CAPITAL is very key here...You NEED to be able to play every game ALL four months
    Please dont cry if you dont get emails from me...Im not going to email people who use my plays, write me and tell me they love me, and then like a high school kid doesnt have the gump to defend me on the boards but rather go with the flow of jealousy and join them in bashing....You now who you are...You dont deserve my help when youre just a user
    Also- If anyone ever wants to meet if theyre ever in Vegas-Florida-DC let me know...Most people are all talk how they win in gambling, etc...I would love to show you all why you should have so much confidence in my plays
    Long Live the ******


    • #3
      What is this?

      Is this the gambling cult?
      This guy really thinks he walks on water


      • #4
        there are

        some serious mental health issues here


        • #5
          After writing 13 four page posts to a chatroom, finding out who leaked his email address, *** has a peanut butter and banana sandwich and calls it a night:


          • #6
            Here Goes....

            I don't even like coming here anymore becuz of comments like these....but....I have to say sumthing here.....THIS DOES NOT GO OUT TO EVERYONE...JUST A SELECT FEW.

            1. *** is hands down the best damn capper I have ever seen
            2. 95% of the information that you guys post about *** on here is false or altered.
            3. It's not a's people who want to win money 'consistently'.
            4. I wouldn't post on bettors chat either if i went through the wide range of abuse that he takes.
            5. Denmaster, that's probably you in that picture. Hah!
            6. ******* we should take a concensus to see who really is the mentally sick one....even though I wouldn't participate anymore.
            7. Wayne your supposed to keep peace in the site....damn.
            8. You are totally wrong about all of this, and your are just jelous of ***....admit it and forget it.



            • #7
              I would just like to know this:

              After reading these posts from it looks like emails for ***.

              Please tell me how this isn't a CULT. That is messed up.

              Also if you look Joe$$$Money and myself knew what he was going to play even before he had them posted on this site.

              And no its not because I talked to him or even wanted to or ever want to in the future. He doesn't do anything special he FADES the plays. Come on people wake up.

              And has for his being a FUCKING GOD give me a break. He's a normal person just like all of us and will meet his maker in the end like everyone else.

              I wish the best for *** and everyone else but wakeup and smell the fucking coffee.

              I spend a lot of time researching these games and I HATE to tell you and I would give a fuck less if you follow me or not but my record stands for itself. Same with EZ WINNERS.

              I hate to tell you mister ***'s record can't be any better. So get a fucking life and go live it and stop defending the man. He's just a man with good information, if you need him that bad to keep this shit up then all I have is one thing to say.

              STOP GAMBLING OR IN *** WORDS "investing" and get a life.
              1 of 1 Morons


              • #8
                A few questions that hopefully you can answer.
                What do you think ***'s record is in bases?
                Why would anyone asked to be defended on boards, or
                threatened to be cut off if they don't?
                What information or comments posted is 95% wrong?
                Wayne has kept peace, deleted posts, and defended from
                day one.
                Why would anyone without a fragile ego care what anyone
                wrote or said about them?

                Will be curious if you have the sack to answer any of these. But at least you defending her honor will keep you on the list!!!
                Pre-ban 1-0 (+1.00)
                Post ban 6-4 (+3.90)


                • #9

                  like you have sucked up enough to stay on the list at least one more week......Congrats.............


                  • #10
                    the email *** sent yesterday

                    Ok....The good news more winners and still undefeated on Monday Nights
                    once again hitting about in the 70% plus range in football...Which
                    SHOULD NOT be
                    of any surprise to those who followed last year

                    The bad news- It seems every forum, services, posters, etc are turning
                    into a villain when in fact Im just a guy who happens to have the best
                    team of
                    experts when it comes to this business

                    However, this is getting and going to far...I DONT need the attention
                    nor the

                    Lets make this real simple...Understand I DONT lose...More importantly
                    understand I take this VERY serious and I have experts and resources
                    that will blow
                    your minds...and thats why I am ALWAYS willing to meet anyone of you so
                    get an understanding where Im coming from

                    But, also understand this is a tough business to win and the last thing
                    anyone needs when they lose is to have salt added to their
                    wounds....All I am
                    asking for EVEYONE on the email list is to be humble in victory and I
                    BEG of
                    EVERYONE of you not to EVER EVER EVER become confrontational on the
                    boards UNLESS
                    there is false postings about me, etc

                    Look- I respect the board owner VERY much and I ask ALL of you just to
                    away quietly...TRUST ME I am VERY sharp in life and I WILL know those
                    who hang
                    around the forums....If I see people from my email list, etc hanging
                    these forums just for the sake of it- I will cut them off the
                    list...Walk away
                    as the people on the forum don't want to hear how you made money and
                    how they
                    lost...That's improper and unclassy.

                    So any forum rats WILL get cut off....PLUS by hanging out on any of the
                    forums you will ONLY get hurt by false postings, rumors, and info and
                    on and on and

                    So, its up to YOU....Do you wanna be a gambler or do you wanna be an
                    investor.....and do you have the "will" and "patience" not to bet on
                    any games UNLESS
                    I say so? Do you have the "will" not to hangout with other gamblers at

                    I WILL make sure my emails are sent...If not- then you can check the
                    place to
                    get the picks...Thats the ONLY time PERIOD if you wanna be on the
                    list....Cause it is time to RESPECT the owner of the board and stop the
                    caos and walk
                    away from ALL the forums

                    My system NEEDS and strives on discipline....If I dont have a play-
                    dont ask
                    why...This is not for the "action" nor the "high"...I have stated MANY
                    gambling is the most selfish thing in the world when youre not
                    educated...Because that money you risk could go to your love ones
                    instead of your bookies...So
                    from here on- please DONT be gamblers and ask for games for the action

                    Nothing EVER will replace education in any field...and in a field of
                    such as gambling and financial markets education is the ONLY way you
                    win...and I dont wanna hear this bull shit well you need a lot of
                    luck...You need luck
                    if you're not good

                    So, the next time you place a bet without any guidance, so you can get
                    "high" stop and think how much of a problem you have...and if you jump
                    up and down
                    everytime you win- that means you're used to losing

                    My point- STOP THE BAD HABITS

                    As for 2night- As I told some of you Denver is on its way and back on
                    as a Super Bowl contender period...That takes nothing away from
                    no I havent given up on Oakland yet...As for the Over-Under--->>Well
                    all my res
                    ources put it very simple- when the best player on the field is a
                    running back
                    (Clinton Portis) and the over/under is nearly close to 50 points you
                    gotta be
                    careful to bet the over when you know the star running back will get

                    There will be NO PLAYS 2morrow or Wednesday UNLESS I email a strong
                    play...If there is a play it WILL ONLY come via email

                    But, do not expect any plays the next two days as I am still in the
                    midst of
                    crazy traveling and one of my baseball guys is on vacation as well

                    So PLEASE...Walk away from the forums...Show respect...Quit the
                    habits...and be I-N-V-E-S-T-O-R-S

                    ***Remember this is my job- to Dont scream and shout great job
                    every night.

                    Oh everyone wants to see my system of how, who, what, and where...Like
                    I said
                    ots VERY complicated but more than happy to meet up sometime so I can
                    you a little....Its ALL about education....Like I said, a lot of
                    gamblers quit
                    gambling to become bookies...and then they realize they lose as bookies
                    also...If bookies made so much we'd all be bookies and be
                    retired...Truth is bookies
                    get killed also- BUT EXPERTS NEVER EVER GO DOWN


                    • #11
                      Last Time I Promise....

                      Ok to answer capperJOHN'S ?'S :

                      His record as in wins in losses i do not know exactly...but I do know since I have been playing his plays...he is up alot of units.

                      I would ask to be defended too if I had a bunch of idiots saying false ethings about me all the time.

                      Ur wrong about Wayne...he takes every shot at *** that he can nowadays.

                      U wanna talk about false info...the moderator if this site i believe it was BC...i could be wrong though in what i saw...though i cant find it now...said *** had plays that weren't even close to the realistic ones. Hmmmmmm.....can't find it now....I wonder?

                      The last question is stupid that you asked....and I don't see it relating to much if anything I wrote




                      • #12
                        Hey Wins, maybe you should move to Waco, Texas with ***
                        Your trying your best to stay on his list. He will tell you, you are a great follower.
                        You don't know his record, but you know he's winning?
                        That is an intelligent statement. My friend, you better wake up, you are being brain washed.
                        See, wins is a true follower, ASSHOLE says leave all fourms and he does


                        • #13

                          Get a life . I defended him from day one until he never helped us clear this shit up AND i had people who hated me for defending him. NOW i have people that hate me for being sick of the BULLSHIT that is ruining this site? GOOD cause i care about the site respectability way more than i do you and *** is making a mockery of this site period. He is also down 150 Units in Baseball and didn't do shit in College Hoops and i know members that used his picks there and were put to sleep by him so jealousy has NEVER been an issue. Funny thing is that when i was defending him he used to ALWAYS refer to me in his books about how good i was and now? He has also posted under a second name here which is something i have NEVER done and that name was banned. I don't trust people that go to those lenghts of posing as another member and my feelings for his ways have been changing ever since. I also have plenty of people he thinks are on his side letting me know things like him ASKING to be defended on the board or their off the list.... how childish no. 1, And also a BIG reason people come here to stir shit up.... to stay on the list. Another thing if anyone's jealous it's him cause he might have a better record in football but anyone that bet any previous sports would be too broke to bet the pigskin.... oh ya i can name 5 sports that his record couldn't hold a stick to mine so who's the jealous one again? Get your facts straight BEFORE you open your ass kissing mouth and use your posts for something constructive for ONCE. Jim Jones is alive!

