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Joe and Others--->>>

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  • Joe and Others--->>>


    This is just to protect players out there...If you think fading the board works- you're DEAD wrong...Otherwise become a book and see how well you do...Ive been around the blocks way to long....Gamblers quit to become bookies or faders and they still lose

    If booking was such an easy way to make money everyone here would try it and become rich...Truth is bookies BARELY get by as well...But, the EXPERTS at the desert NEVER EVER take it on the chin like bookies and gamblers

    Every bookie got killed by the Steelers, Bucs, Chiefs for their lungs...But, I told my guys (books) DON'T dare hold Steeler money cause Pittsburgh will cover

    The truth is- in the end the public wins a lot and the public loses a lot...Bookies win a lot and bookies lose a lot....But, the experts win alot and WIN a lot...They "key" is to know when to go with the public and when to go against the public

    Let me give you a clue and break this down for you why faders, gamblers, and books are always chasing their tail

    Ask yourself this question---What comes first; the bets (money) or the line (pointspreads)...The LINES ALWAYS COME before a single bet is wagered and the experts already have a good idea of the outcome...So the money that comes in later doesnt have the influence the line makers already had...If the line makers know the public is on the right side like the Steelers; they know how to lay off action....They are educated and experts

    All a bookie does is write down team names...All a gambler does is wish for the best...All an expert does is keep building the Strip in Las Vegas

    Face it...This is a game made for experts like the financial markets...Theyre simply more educated than everyone else and they do something 99% of people dont do- they actually put countless hours into this and "know" every team inside out...and NO they dont fix games...Only loser gamblers think games are fixed

    The last thing a casino needs is for them to get caught involved in a fix...and for the public to never win...They desperately need gamblers to win to keep their customers

    So go with the public when the experts say so and go against when they say the other way PERIOD

    Here-s the difference...Every bookie got murdered by players betting versus Detroit Tigers and Betting Braves all year...Casinos layed off all those type of action year round to the offshores

    In simple- there is no magic formula except for education PERIOD...Just like everything in life- education runs the nation

    So dont mislead people and give them your honest opinions on plays...Remember bookies, gamblers, and faders are ALL part of the public

    The point spread will ALWAYS be the hardest puzzle to ever figure out...But, the "pigeons" are the only ones...and they have mastered it also to also weed out the faders, the publicers, and the bookies...They are educated and thats why they are the ONLY ones that win PERIOD

    Dont paint a picture as if I was here to burn people...I was here every day trying to share info and most importantly educate

    You turned me into a villain cause I was good at what I did...Who cares

    My point has always been whether youre a capper, fader, a bookie YOU WILL NOT beat the house period...Ive always said gambling is a selfish act cause you risk your hard earned money on a chance versus the expert...and the bookie is the same....He's not educated...he just writes down team names and hopes for the best...Its all about the experts at the desert and thats just my opinion

    People have tried EVERY single system from trends, to fading, to booking, and NONE of them work for anyone PERIOD...and you know that

    The reason the experts at the desert don't lose is cause they have enoguh resources BEFORE the bets are placed to get a good feel of the outcome

    Its simple- the faders got crushed on Cincy, Atlanta, Texans...and they won some late games...It usually comes to even...But, the experts know what games to hold onto and what games to lay off....Look we can talk for ever with different formulas, different stratagies, etc....Bottomline it is a game you cant beat the lines makers whether youre a public capper, a fader, a book, etc...You claim to be from Vegas and you should know best...Every expert out there said the Bucs and Steelers would win easily

    So, since youre in Vegas why dont you share and help instead of worrying about other people...and even more so- give me your 702 number so we can meet...Cause Im there every single month

    Youre the one that started this wreck over here again...Leave the bashing, etc alone....Id love to share with what I know, but for some reason you HATE it when I get attention....Who cares...Im just a cyber space name

    Just do the right thing along with everyone else- and please stop the bashing and the worrying of others and simply give your best effort to help the board

    Dont you think its time to only and only talk ways of making money and only talk sports period...You gotta stop running off successful cappers off the boards with making up false statements, etc....Look best of luck to you as I know gambling is VERY difficult

    Yes...I do carry an arrogance that I think I can back up any time...But, I NEVER claimed that I was good on my own....I admit its my team Im surrounded with that makes me fortunate...In this business you have to be humble cause EVERYONE gets humbled

    Best of luck to everyone and I really do hope everyone luck and more importantly to worry about other things in life than chat rooms in the cyber world
    Last edited by XXX; 09-23-2003, 02:12 AM.

  • #2
    Rumor has it that you're telling people to come too this site and stir shit up.


    • #3

      You KNOW I respect you and give you your dues...And a rumor is all it is

      As a matter of fact I sent an email that to SHOW SOME RESPECT to the board and stop the *** talk period

      Im sorry that all this BS is going on...But, you ALWAYS have the final say

      As many cappers indicated; they CANNOT believe you would let so many bashers just continue

      Do you think I would have stopped posting if Joe M and his crew werent here?

      This is serious stuff here and they do it in EVERY board and they try to get into every private board as well to post false things about people like myself

      Dont you get it Monte? I was here every single day posting consistently

      Then Joe M shows up and everything gets striired up....I know bashing brings in a lot of hits but all we ask for is integrity

      On my personal email to you- Did I not GUARANTEE you that Statman WILL disappear as soon as I leave the board?

      Because Statman is Joe M and he was trying to find ways to mislead my records, etc just like recap guy

      Now ask yourselves- Is it a coincidence Statman is gone or was I right on the money

      And oh if you wanna know others who use different handles here just let me know

      Monte even YOU KNOW that many services were coming after me with bashers, etc cause I declined to join them...Why would they stop now

      Sometimes you have to give the benefir of the doubt to those who have helped out more...and you know I brought in A LOT of newbies and I NEVER EVER asked anything in return EXCEPT for stopping the bashers cause this is serious business and not a junkie habit for me...I mean its not just about me...How can ANYONE dare bash Sports Tipster when he STILL gives out free plays when he is a pay service...and he does so WELL.

      So, ill leave it at that and you are a class act...Yes, I was mad that there were false posts of mine 2night, but Im glad that was straightend out

      You want a simple solution- ban or warn anyone who mentions the name *** after I post period...I dont need the attention nor the aggravation....But, I was discouraged that Bettorschat simply doesnt ban people...Its not about the hits always, but its about the quality of hits...Just my two cents
      Last edited by XXX; 09-23-2003, 02:38 AM.


      • #4
        Myself and Wayne defended you.

        You just took off as soon as football arrived. I offered you a spot on to post your plays and sent you the details.


        • #5

          And yes I like the offer, but it STILL DOES NOT weed out the bashers starting other bashing threads

          Why not warn people once and if they bash again- they get banned

          I mean I have tons of people that weed out people for me since Ive had a following and I can pin point many people

          I begged you to call out Joe M why he started Recap guy last year and Statman this year and I GUARANTEED you both times he will leave if I leave

          So Statman has disappeared

          Its not just about me...Its about the board period...I just wanna know why bashing is so tolerated

          Its getting so silly that people are going to post false plays of mine or guess what Im gonna play, etc etc

          Like I said and you know it to I brought in a ton of members and yes unfortunately bashers and have created tons of traffic for the site....Did I ever ask you for money like you offer to anyone who brings in 20 members or more? Have I asked for anything but the stopping of bashing

          You KNOW who the frauds here are...YOU KNOW IT

          I like the offer but why do I need a special page when you can simply ban anyone who talks about me or simply goes off topic constantly? I will talk to you more in depth via email or phone so we dont bore everyone here and take their time


          • #6
            I've never offered anyone money for bringing in posters. I've banned people that had an agenda with you. You just don't get it that's all.


            • #7


              • #8
                This is the shit he promotes

                You tell me this isn't one sick person.
                This is a copy of an e-mail he is sending.

                First did everyone get Lions (Loser)

                2nd-did everyone get Zona (HUMUNGOUS WINNER...It was such a sure thing
                I went
                to BC to go post it there for myself just to let them know how good I
                am...I wouldnt come in and post a 20X and lose...I got the moneyline at
                Lambeau field)

                3rd- I wasnt able to get the emails sent for the Dolphines 8X play but
                everyone get it in?

                Now I am VERY hesitant to give out any forum names as I am scared some
                of you
                may fall for scammers there and hangout there...However, keep this note

                ***I am very busy before game times and ANYTIME you dont recieve an
                email go

       and my plays will be posted by either
                Eieo35,predator, or
                OSU-BUCKS...if they are posted by anyone else it is total false plsu
                see that you would have had email sent to you guys

                I know what Im doing in this business and ONLY lost ONE football game
                week(Lions) and it took a miracle to beat me

                So, the reason Im hesitant of telling you guys to go to the forums is
                theyre great scammers there that will try to sway some of you as the
                LIE AND
                LIE AND LIE...For example ************ posted there that I gave out 3
                today via email when everyone of you know I emailed only two plays ALL
                Detroit and Zona....and my Miami play was via the forum

                So, you have to respect me and ONLY go to the forums if you DONT
                recieve any
                emails with plays..This will usually be rare but itll happen...and ONLY
                BUCKS, Predator, and Eieo CAN post my plays...Anyone else would be a
                false post

                I just had to post the Zona play myself there today just to show them
                difference between experts and gamblers

                So, to those of you who dont follow me exactly as I say- I WILL vut you

                Im not here for ego games and getting a high off gambling

                And to those who missed any of the above 3 games today- PLEASE email
                if I sense trust and seriousness in you- I WILL have the picks called
                for you
                or figure something out....But, EVERYONE should have had Lions and Zona
                email and Dolphins via

                So show me respect and only hangout at if you dont get
                emails from me....and like I said if still you have a hard time getting
                cause lack of computer access, server to slow for emails, etc- we'll
                try tp
                figure something out

                But, Im not Mother Teresa nor am I gonna put that front...If you want
                plays you have to "want" them and do what you have to do with them

                Im cutting my email list as minimal as possible where I can only have
                selected serious ones that finally realize this is a great way to make
                make money every year...and they realize I am their sports advisor like
                financial analyst...This is FOR SERIOUS INCOME OPPORTUNITIES...If you
                do this for
                fun and the high- PLEASE lose my email

                So we picked up another 17 units which brings football for the week
                over 50 and to think that we couldnt get in winners in last night with
                communication problems

                I DONT LOSE and I DONT do this for fun

                Take the MONEY not the high

                But, everyone respons who continues to have problems missing plays and
                see what we can do

                But, remember

       is where ill post if I cant get emails out

                And show some balls and defend me and tell Wizard what a liar he is for
                posting false records today as he said to the board I posted three
                early losers and
                only hit Zona...Only YOU guys know the truth as we went 2-1 cause you
                get the emails...Thats why forums are scammers...They can lie about
                they want

                Its not just Wizard- a lot of those guys are paid bashers tha wanna run
                off boards since I wont join into their pay services they wanna
                build...and they
                know with my syccess and popularity they can make a bundle...So BE

                and most of these guys try to steal my plays by setting up nice
                followers to
                chat with me and ask me for early "leans"

                They have NO idea who I am and thats why I am the ONLY guy who WILL
                meet anyone who wants to meet me and Ive already met some of
                you....Good luck
                and show more support

                Now if you don't think this is one sick indivudal
                Last edited by wizardofoddz; 09-23-2003, 04:22 AM.

