How can you gauge if they are pussies?? They must have some skill level and leadership ability to get to where they are. Last time I checked neither is on the Patriots....
Spiccoli....someday if you ever get a chance to meet Dilfer, make sure you take a good hard look at the Superbowl ring he's wearing. There's only a small selection of NFL QB's in the league that have one, and he happens to be one of them. He didn't get that by being a puss! He was one of the more grittier QB's in the league when he started with Tampa Bay. He was sacked constantly because they had no line.....Watch the old clips.
easy to judge from the couch.....Maybe they are not the best qb's in the league but i would hardly call any of them pussies.....I mean not one of them has a solid line in front of them
I love threads like this after someone loses on a team. Never fails. Good thing we all don't start one after a bad beat. We'd tie up the internet for a long time.