Hey fellas
Always on the board appreciating the info and picks you all pass along. Thought I would give posting my pics a try and maybe spread a little of my beginners luck to everyone. Or atleast provide some nice fade material for you all. Good luck today. Lets have a big day!
Here's the 5 pack:
Tulsa -13.5
BC -13.5
Miss State +7.5
Iowa +5
Duke +14
Always on the board appreciating the info and picks you all pass along. Thought I would give posting my pics a try and maybe spread a little of my beginners luck to everyone. Or atleast provide some nice fade material for you all. Good luck today. Lets have a big day!
Here's the 5 pack:
Tulsa -13.5
BC -13.5
Miss State +7.5
Iowa +5
Duke +14