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For all you Southerners

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  • #16
    Originally posted by TwoTonTony
    2 words...........rhymes with Bright Cash
    So true! So true!

    The northerners bring class, style and money to east Volusia County.


    • #17

      Originally posted by frankb03
      I beg to differ with many of these.

      Living in FL I'm often amazed how infrequent visitors come to my house empty handed. In NY we NEVER went empty handed.

      Growing up Italian everyone, males and females were greeted with a hug and kiss. In FL when male greets male the southern gentleman is often standoffish. They feel it's unmanly for males to greet with a hug.

      I've never called my parents Mr and Mrs. They've always been called mom and dad. No one I knew growing up called their parents Mr/Mrs
      To this day when we have family dinner or family gatherings we sit and talk for hours. Never leaving the table.

      Once again our home was an open revolving door for visitors. Very few friends knocked. Most close friends walked in and always sought my mom to say Hi.

      Maybe, it's the area of Florida which I live. I can say most southern in this area lack work ethic and family morals. They have no sense of family.
      Frankb03----go back and read the one hilighted in Red....

      Friends: Call your Parents, Mr.............

      Southerners: Call your Parents Mom and Dad...........

      Meaning, friends refer to your parents as Mr and Mrs, and Southerners refer to Friends Parents, as Mom and DAD.....exactly as you others calling your Mother "MOM"....not uncommon at all in the South for a bunch of friends to all call ones Mother MOM.....

      Course this was probably based on the previous years, re 1950''s-1970's, cause it sure as hell isn't quite as tight knit anywhere, as it used to be......

      Today----13 yr old kids shout to me as "hey Karl" the Old days, it was "Mr Kaptain"........

      There is definitely a big drop off in the lack of respect that Parents, Coaches, Teachers, Elders, and people in general get from the younger generation today.....

      We're moving so fast with technology, desire to make money, both parents working, crime/drug infested areas, that the Parent staying home, teaching morals/respect, right from wrong, ramifications for wrongdoings, is taking a drastic hit....IMO

      I too like you, we would all gather around the house (someones), all brought food, or helped in preparing it, we ate well, then gathered around tha back yard, and parents talked for hours, while the kids played, or listened to "Older people stories", mostly about the depression, when they didn't have anything to eat....

      That generation was taught, to appreciate what you have, cause it may be gone tomorrow.....We knew the value of a hard earned dollar, and never once believed it came from and everblooming money tree........

      This lil thin I posted was probably a gesture from the old days, when it was axiomatic, that "The Southerners", were considered the most polite area, in the USA....No area can take claim to that now....IMO

      Don't make me go Cajun on your Ass!


      • #18
        love it kapt!!

        Born and raised in Chicago and moved to South Carolina and have lived here for 11 years now. I can definetely relate to a lot of these.

        Good stuff


        • #19
          Trust me,I talk about as southern as anyone you will ever meet but its not just the way we talk,its the way you act.I agree Kapt,the times have changed.I am only 31 and can tell you I always hold the door open for a lady no matter where I am at.And the reponse is either in shock that someone still does that or you dont get no response at all,like its expected(which in my family it is).


          • #20
            Northern people act like that asshole Dimer

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