Really like this Play tonight:
Straight Wager 09/24/07 18:48 ET
bet 274.55 to win 219.64 Result: Pending
Royals/Orioles - Total Runs+Hits+Errors - Listed pitchers
Royals (Meche)
Orioles (Cabrera) 09/24/07(19:05 ET)
Under 28.5 (-125
GL to any followers!!
Straight Wager 09/24/07 18:48 ET
bet 274.55 to win 219.64 Result: Pending
Royals/Orioles - Total Runs+Hits+Errors - Listed pitchers
Royals (Meche)
Orioles (Cabrera) 09/24/07(19:05 ET)
Under 28.5 (-125
GL to any followers!!